Understanding of Novel as a Literary Genre

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The novels originated from the Italian word ‘novel’ in the early 18th century, which was used to refer to stories in the Middle Ages. Its identity has evolved and is now considered a prose-style novel with more than 50,000 words. The novel focuses on the development of characters, not the plot. In any school, it is a studies of human psychology. The originator of the novel is the prose novel of the Elizabethan period and the French saga, which is a long narrative about noble contemporary characters. At the end of the 18th century, as the middle class continued to grow, they had more leisure time to read and more money to buy books. This novel began to attract public attention. Public interest in human character has led to the popularity of autobiography, biography, journals, diaries and memoirs. Gradually, the novel we call now forms. (Tracy Stefan, N.D.)

The style of the novel is diverse, and each author has his own unique perspective. The following is the main types of novels: Suspense novels revolve around the criminal problem that must be solved, usually murder, but not all.The traditional detective mode is based on professional or amateur detectives, surrounded by a group of characters who help solve cases or suspects. Throughout the story, the detective will screen clues, including false clues and distracting clues, to resolve the case.

The most famous suspense novels, Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes series, and Agatha Christie’s novels, and Christie’s ‘No Life’ are the world’s best-selling suspense novels; Science fiction and fantasy novels are also one of the more popular types of novels, both of which involve the construction of the world. The line between the two is often blurred, but in general, science fiction tends to imagine a world different from technology, while fantasy novels imagine a magical world. Early science fiction novels include works by Jules Verne, and continue George Orwell ’s far-reaching classics, such as ‘1984’ some famous fantasy novels, including ‘The Lord of the Rings’ series, ‘Nani Asian Legend and Harry Potter; Thriller novels are occasionally combined with other genres, the most common being with inference novels or science fiction novels.

The salient feature is that these novels are often designed to arouse readers ’fear, suspense or psychological fear. Early versions include ‘Count of Monte Cristo’ (vengeance thriller) and ‘Heart of Darkness’ (psychological / horror thriller). A more modern example might be Stephen King’s novel; Modern romance novels have some things in common with past ‘romance novels’: the idea of romantic love as the ultimate goal, occasional scandals, and all of them centered on strong emotions. Romance novels are currently the most popular type of novels in the United States; Historical fiction is just a fictional story, which happened in a real past time in human history.Some historical novels are fictional, and some are semi-fictional.

Some novels tell the stories of real historical characters, while others insert completely original characters into real events. The iconic works of historical novels include ‘Avanhoe’, ‘Two Cities’, ‘Gone with the Wind’ and ‘Notre Dame Cathedral’; Realistic novels which avoid high-level genres or styles, try to tell a story that ‘possibly’ happened in the world we know. The point is to express things realistically, not to be romantic or artistically complex.Some of the most famous realist writers include Mark Twain, John Steinbeck, and George Eliot. (Scott Francls, 2009)

What about those structures? The structure of a novel can be many. Most commonly, the novel will be organized in chronological order, dividing story fragments into chapters. However, this is not the author’s only structural choice. Usually the author divides the content of the novel into sections. Chapters often revolve around a small part of the novel, unified by a character, theme, or plot. In a long novel, chapters may be combined into larger parts, perhaps grouped by time period or the overall part of the story.

Dividing the story into smaller ‘blocks’ is one of the defining elements of the novel; Writers can choose to organize novels in various ways. For example, instead of telling stories in chronological order, the story may switch between different time periods to maintain suspense or form a theme. The novel can also switch between the perspectives of multiple characters, instead of focusing on only one character as the sole protagonist. A novel can be told in the first or third person. But regardless of the time frame, the plot of the novel usually follows the so-called three-act structure.

The first few chapters are mainly to let readers understand the world of main characters and stories. Before a specific event, it is usually called ‘incitement event’, change the status quo and develop a ‘real’ story .From then on, the story (now ‘Second Act’) will enter a series of complex plots, as the protagonist pursues a certain goal and encounters obstacles and smaller goals on the way .At the midpoint of the story, there will often be some major changes that raise the stakes, and all the novels that lead to the climax of emotion and narrative. Usually the content of the third act is the ending and the consequences. (“What Are the Elements of a Novel?”, N.D.)

In conclusion, the novel is a literary genre centered on portraying characters and reflecting social life through a complete storyline and environmental description. There are many types of novels such as Mystery novels, Science Fiction and Fantasy novels, Thriller novels, Romance novels, Historical Fiction and Realist Fiction. These are relatively popular types of novels. The structure of the novel is also very interesting, it can be described in chronological order, it can be described according to the plot, or it can be described using different personalities. These factors make the novel a very popular literary genre.

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Understanding of Novel as a Literary Genre. (2021, Jul 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/understanding-of-novel-as-a-literary-genre/

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