Time for the Most Beneficial Exercises

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The most precious time of the day is in the morning. After a restful night, the body is indeed energetic in the morning. For those who love fitness, the first thing in the morning is exercise. Of course, many people also said that starting exercise in the evening is conducive to better playing sports. Many people can’t help but make it difficult. Exercise, do you pay attention to time? When do you choose to exercise, is it most beneficial to the body?

In order to resolve this issue, I specifically conducted a search on the medical website. Sure enough, for thousands of years, sports medicine experts all over the world have conducted thousands of studies. Some have an impact on the movement of special people, such as diabetes patients; some studies on blood pressure changes, blood cortisol impact as a whole, there is no ‘golden time’ for everyone’s exercise.

From the perspective of regulating blood pressure, early morning exercise is appropriate. Four years ago, X scientists recruited 20 pre-hypertensive volunteers to participate in a trial. The test was conducted by allowing these people to perform 30 minutes of aerobic exercise in the morning, at noon and at night. Post hoc test results show that early morning exercise can significantly improve blood pressure fluctuations during nighttime sleep and help improve sleep quality.

Of course, this study does not mean that all hypertensive patients are suitable for early morning exercise, especially in winter. It can be said that for most middle-aged and elderly people, if you choose early morning exercise, you must slow down, improve the process of warm-up, let the body fully ‘wake up’, and then gradually exercise and equipment to avoid blood pressure. Elevated, and even caused cardiovascular and cerebrovascular accidents.

Many fitness experts recommend starting exercise at noon or afternoon. The reason is that at these times people have the strongest pain tolerance and a better balance between physiology and spirit. The core temperature of the body is an important factor in determining the effectiveness of exercise. If the body is not active, the muscles will be stiff and more susceptible to stretching injuries. Only when the body is fully warmed up, the muscles are more flexible, so that the exercise can be more effective. From this perspective, the afternoon is the prime time for a day of exercise. In addition, in the afternoon, a person’s heart rate and blood pressure levels are relatively low.

In the evening, the coordination of the body and the endurance of the muscles reached their peak. At this time, the human body can complete many movements that require flexibility and muscle strength. In the sports circle, there is a saying called ‘dusk refining.’ The meaning is that human muscles are flexible and have the best muscle strength, which minimizes the probability of sports injuries. For many young people, the evening is a peak sport. They are frequent visitors in the gym, appearing here after work every day, licking their bodies and completing the necessary amount of exercise and fitness goals. However, after 9 pm, the body function began to slow down and the body was preparing for sleep.

Too early or too late in the day will interfere with sleep. The most suitable time for your own sports, you must be your own. This is related not only to personal preferences, but also to whether time permits. Some white-collar workers are busy in the morning and get up late, it is difficult to insist on morning exercise. For some people, going to the park early in the morning to do equipment, running and walking, not only meet the personal leisure, but also get the pleasure of body and mind. In short, the sport that meets your own time and energy needs is right for you.

Exercise has the best time and is a classic issue on the American Heart Association website. The expert’s reply is that the best exercise time is determined by a series of factors, location, time, running and surrounding environment.

Focusing on the health of the sport itself is greater than focusing more on exercise. Even if you walk, the leisure-time activity, as long as you move it, can greatly reduce the risk of 13 cancers. This conclusion is the result of the US Cancer Center leading the 11-year follow-up of 1.44 million people in Europe and America. Sports can enhance heart and lung function, which most people know. However, the conclusion that two and a half hours of moderate-intensity exercise can prevent multiple cancers is still very novel.

What is medium intensity exercise? Does it mainly include walking, jogging or anything else? Disaster relief? Accelerate the movement of the heart rhythm. Therefore, at least five hours a week, at least half an hour of walking, jogging, etc., can bring significant health benefits. According to the recommendations of the “Chinese Dietary Guidelines”, adults should perform more than 6,000 physical activities per day. At this moment, everyone likes the number of sun steps, and 10,000 steps a day is a piece of cake.

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Time for the Most Beneficial Exercises. (2022, Feb 20). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/time-for-the-most-beneficial-exercises/

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