Thomas Jefferson who Made the Declaration of Independence

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In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson lays out the grievances Colonial Revolutionaries lodge at king George the Third of England. Jefferson’s declaration discusses the right mankind has to declare the causes which impel them to the separation, and also declares that it is the right of the people to alter or abolish a form of government that is destructive. His goal is to inform the readers that the government has certain responsibilities to the governed and that the British failed to adhere to its responsibilities to its colonists. His second goal is to justify their actions by explaining why it was not considered treason. By establishing his credibility and appealing to ethos, pathos and logos, Jefferson successfully wrote an informative, impactful, and inspirational document.

The Opening of Jefferson’s Declaration

In the opening of Jefferson’s declaration, both the organization and the use of logic are effective and adequate. He begins with the colonists’ fundamental beliefs that “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.” He addresses that the role of the government is to secure and protect the rights of the people. As he proceeds, he states that if the government fails to “secure these rights,” then “it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and institute new Government.” Jefferson then creates a list of ways in which the British government has violated and stripped the colonists of their rights. Through the inductive proof, he explains the reason in which the colonists must become independent from Britain to gain freedom and to be treated fairly. The list of grievances strongly appeals to his audience’s emotions. Jefferson utilizes a powerful, emotional diction to implement the colonists’ sentiments toward the King’s character into his writing. He uses certain words such as tyrants, invasions, murders, abdicated, death, desolation, cruelty, barbarous, and destruction. These words make the audience establish a sympathetic feeling towards the colonists and that the King is “totally unworthy to be the Head of a civilized nation” and “unfit to be the ruler of a free people.” Jefferson emphatically proves the injustice and brutality of the King and Parliament.

In lines 45 through 148 of the Declaration, Jefferson builds on his argument with inductive reasoning, syntax, and diction. Beginning in line 45 Jefferson lays down his massive list of specific grievances that the King of England has committed against America. He states that he is very well aware that King George has “refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good,” showing that he understands that the colonist have indeed been wronged. The use of inductive reasoning helps Jefferson to present himself and his fellow revolutionaries as knowing and logical. Taking place in lines 45 through 91 the phrase, “He has,” serves to further strengthen Jefferson’s argument. With its parallel and anaphora structures it hammers in with a repetition the fact that King George “has” without a doubt committed these specific actions against the colonist. Allowing Jefferson to conclude with conviction that the king is “unfit to rule free people.” In lines 137 through 148 Jefferson ends his logical argument with a strong emotional appeal. He states that King George has “excited domestic insurrections amongst us,” and that King George has, “endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages,” to kill them. Overall, Thomas Jefferson establishes a great logical argument by using inductive reasoning, syntax, and diction.

Furthermore, in the proceeding paragraphs, Jefferson uses syntax and ethos to convey the extent to which he and the colonies are willing to sacrifice for freedom. Beginning in the first of the last two paragraphs, Jefferson uses the phrase, “We have.” It is this parallel structured phrase of, “We have,” that is referenced repeatedly to demonstrate that they have appealed to their, “British brethren,” and that the British are not listening. This conveys perfectly that Jefferson and the colonies are willing to go to war with even their families for the price of freedom. Jefferson’s second to last paragraph also further establishes his credibility. It shows that he and his revolutionaries will stand by their “unalienable rights,” no matter the cost. In the final paragraph Jefferson again furthers his credibility when he calls his fellow revolutionaries, “the good People of these Colonies.” This statement in essence means that colonists are not uncivilized monsters who just want to get rid of the king, but are actual good natured people. Jefferson climaxes the last paragraph with the statement, “we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor,” a chilling statement that ultimately paints its speaker and his cohorts as heroes willing to risk their whole existence for their cause. Altogether, the final two paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence served as a final grab at credibility by using syntax.


Finally, Jefferson emphasizes the importance of definite logical arguments, well-organized ethical and powerful emotional appeals. Thomas Jefferson was able to eloquently draft an inspirational and resounding declaration that formed the basis for the American Revolution. His declaration became a significant role model for other countries and was aimed towards individuals experiencing similar conflicts. By implementing rhetorical devices, he was able to convince many Americans that independence, which they first apprehended as evil, was in truth a benediction.

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Thomas Jefferson who Made the Declaration of Independence. (2020, Oct 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/thomas-jefferson-who-made-the-declaration-of-independence/

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