The Speculative Fiction of The Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

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The speculative fiction, “Brave New world”, written by Aldous Huxley in 1931. Tells of a future overwhelmed by technology and state control where people have no dignity, values, morals and emotions, a loss of humanity. Readers can recognize certain elements of their own world. As the world state in the fiction text can be recognised as simply an extreme version of our society. Through the narrative techniques of motifs, characterization, symbols. The readers can reflect certain values and attitudes of their. Own world in regards to religion, individuality, conformity, sex, the uses of technology to control society, and happiness vs truth.

The story is set six hundred years in the future, state controls and employs technology. And drugs to maintain a Utopian society, one with identification of happiness as the ultimate goal. However, in this ideal society it must be maintained by “controllers”. Society in the world state is determined by government. They reproduce humans through the “Bokanovsky Process”, which involves the surgical removal of ovaries. This process of cloning individuals means that there is no longer individuality within this perfect world, stripped of any individual characteristics.

People have been brainwashed to accept certain values at an early age, in order to make society run smoothly man is simply “a cog in the wheel”, in the words of the director “all conditioning aims at that: making people like their unescapable destiny”. For example, sex is considered casual and proper, individual uses sex as commonly as a knife an fork. Johns undying love for Lenina and her inability to return such love drives him to suicide. The readers realize in an unjust utopian society it is impossible love (human instinct) and therefore strongly disagree to the manipulation that government has on individuals in the World State.

Drugs are used often, provided to control society, “A gram is better then a damn”, One cubic centimeter cures ten gloomy sentiments”. These hypnopaedic phrases are droned into the minds of the people of the World State society at an early age; soma is used to deal with unpleasant emotions, it is the foundations of a happy life. It is used as a “sacrament”, represents the use of religion, provides a willful self delusion, and a tool used in promoting social stability. This drug clouds the truth, John representing the Shakespearian point of view, the reader, believes that you are better of knowing the truth apposed to happiness without knowing and refuses to agree with the regular drug taking of soma and is shocked at the idea. All that disagree with the regular drug consumption of soma such as Bernard Marx, and John the savage have created a boundary, to link our world with Huxley’s extreme version of his world.

Characterization has been used to juxtapose Huxley’s extreme version of his world, and today’s society of the day. Bernard Marx is certainly one of few individuals which have sense of individuality. a mistake. He is classified as an Alpha; depressive nature leads him to be exiled from the community and be banished to an island for non-conformist behavior. He resents promiscuous sex which is suspected by others, and subsequently is characterized as an outsider, represents ‘society of the day.

The readers recognise that this element of individualism is represented by so few in this speculative fiction, and can relate to this character as ‘themselves’ as all people are not perfect. John. the Savage is intensely moral and argues keenly with the World controller Mustapha Mond on opposing beliefs of the critique of technology versus World State, he is alienated because he is both unable and unwilling to become part of the Indian community and World state. The motif of alienation of these two characters drives the narrative, and provides the main characters to pervade to conformity.

The speculative fiction, Brave New world, written by Aldous Huxley, tells of a future overwhelmed by technology and state control where people have no dignity, values, morals and emotions, a loss of humanity. Readers can recognize certain elements of their own world, as the world state in the fiction text can be recognised as simply an extreme version of our society. Through the narrative techniques of motifs, characterization, symbols, the readers can reflect certain values and attitudes of their own world in regards to, individuality, conformity, sex, the uses of technology to control society, and happiness vs truth.


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The Speculative Fiction of The Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. (2023, May 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-speculative-fiction-of-the-brave-new-world-by-aldous-huxley/

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