The Factors to Consider When Deciding to Study Abroad

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Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” This quote has inspired many students to strive harder in their studies and even those who want to continue studying after taking a break. Choosing where education is obtained is also one of the concerns of most students. There will come a point where they will have to decide on where they are planning to receive an education of good quality, It starts even at an early age and it may not be their own choices but when the time comes where they are in the right age and have right judgment, then they can decide for themselves, Many people dream of studying abroad but there are also others who choose just to settle in their homeland. Making a decision between leaving and staying will be tough There are different factors to be taken into consideration in making a choice like quality education, personal matters, and future plans which could be a perk or a disadvantage.

One of the perks of studying abroad is the quality education. Not to underestimate the quality of education system in the Philippines, but it is undeniably true that other countries like Finland, Switzerland, and Belgium offer a better quality of education. This is proven in a report conducted by World Economic Forum where it stated that these three countries top the ranking of global education systems. This is the primary reason why many students are persuaded to pursue education abroad, They thought that studying abroad will be a better choice for them While this may be true, it could also not be a positive thing especially for people who are not flexible to change.

Studying in a foreign country will require a huge adjustment because the standards will be much higher. This will make the students put too much pressure on themselves. Instead of becoming an advantage, this decision could only be a hindrance to their academic performances because of the stress they get from high expectations. Another factor to be considered is the personal matter. This should not be taken lightly as healthy mind is what someone needs to possess in order for good things to follow. Engaging in study-abroad programs can be a disadvantage because as they will be away from their home, family, and friends, they may feel lonely and homesick. Homesickness is one of the problems that are often experienced by people who are studying abroad. The feeling of stepping out of one’s comfort zone is very Challenging to any individual especially to those who will leave their home for the first time.

Life in other countries will be very different to the life they are used to. There will be some who will manage to adapt easily while there are also others who cannot. They find it arduous to fit in different environment especially when they encounter problems like language barrier and culture shock. Learning a new language and grasping different viewpoints of a culture require immense effort, time, and patience That is why it is not easy for other people to develop new friendships and adjust on new surroundings. Furthermore, another drawback of living alone is not having someone to guide them. No parents or adult supervision may result to bad decisions and can bring them harm. On the brighter side, it can also be an opportunity to explore new things that will broaden their outlooks on life and can make them better individuals. Also, the first thing they will do is to leave their accustomed environment which will help them to develop their independence and identity.

It can be a way for them to expand their social circle by meeting new people and experiencing new things. Last but definitely not the least to be discussed is the future plans, One more downside of studying abroad and probably the biggest concern of many students who wish to do so is the expenses, It is not surprising that the equivalent cost of a better quality education is an enormous amount of money. This is why only those who can afford to pay are able to chase their dreams of gaining a better education. Hence, people who are not fortunate enough are forced to stay in their homeland and study in their local educational institutions On the other hand, as what people say, education is a good investment. It will cost so much money but if it means a better future, then it may not be as bad as it seems. Acquiring a quality education in abroad will benefit them especially in the future as this is one of the main reasons why people study in the first place. Having a firsthand experience of other countries’ culture and languages will also give more job opportunities in the future.

This will contribute greatly to their competitiveness which will make themselves more appealingjob candidates to prospective employers Weighing up the pros and cons plays a vital role to arrive at a decision They hold a large part and should be given importance as they will help in determining the final decision. Choosing between leaving and staying is much harder than one may think as everyone is in different situations, It has to be well-thought as it will become a result that will affect one‘s life big time, In every choice, there will always be a consequence. Problems may arise, but as long as they have courage, they can face them without difficulty. Also, their status in life should not hinder them in achieving their goals. No matter how good the quality of education one has attained, if the student’s performance is poor, then everything will go to waste. Every result will depend largely on the student himself. Where one studies or which school one comes from do not matter much as every student share the same goal—that is to learn and change the world.

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The Factors to Consider When Deciding to Study Abroad. (2023, Apr 13). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-factors-to-consider-when-deciding-to-study-abroad/

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