The Electoral College System

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The electoral college system is a unique method of election in the United States. According to the US electoral system, the US president is elected by the electoral college, not directly by voters, and more than half of the electoral votes are elected as president. This unique system is the representative of the Democratic primary because the vote can be determined by the people. Electoral College is now an integral part of the American political system. (Roos, 2020).

The creation of the Election Academy is very logical. At the earliest times, there were four main methods for the election of administrators: elections by Congress, direct elections by the people, elections by the governors of the states, and elections by the electoral college. (Somodevilla, 2020).

First of all, the method of election by the governors of the states and the direct election by the people has met with most opposition from the beginning, because the election method can only be selected from congressional elections and electoral college elections, of which the congressional election method prevails. But by the time the discussions took place, the manner in which parliamentary elections had caused considerable controversy. Some people believe that the administration must be separated from the parliament. If the administrator is elected and dismissed by the parliament, the administrator is only a product of the parliament.

Therefore, they advocated that the administrator should be free from parliament. Relied on and therefore opposed the election of an administrator by Parliament. After their repeated explanations and debates, the delegates finally accepted their opinions. (Somodevilla, 2020).

Most constitutional representatives believe that the first point is that it is difficult for the people to directly elect the president, because there are many people and the country is large, and the transportation was not convenient at the time, and the differences between the south and the north were very large. It is customary that people cannot fully understand the situation and are easily manipulated by a small number of conspirators.

The second point is that legislative, executive, and judicial all should be l. They should be independent of each other. Therefore, the president should not be controlled by Congress and should not be elected by Congress. Finally, the constitutional representatives reached a compromise and adopted the electoral college.

The establishment of the electoral college brought many benefits. There were two main reasons for the establishment of the electoral college. The first purpose is to create a buffer between the population and the presidential election. The second part is part of the government structure, which provides additional power to smaller states. (Roos, 2020). The founding father was concerned that, with the exception of a small number of people, ordinary people generally did not know who the presidential candidate was.

Therefore, they are trying to establish an electoral system that allows informed and more suitable people to elect the president on behalf of ordinary people. (Somodevilla, 2020). Constitution makers do not trust voters to elect their own presidents. They worry that if there is no intermediary organization to reconcile them, voters may choose incompetent candidates for the president, so they have established a system where members of the electoral college act as an intermediary between the electorate and the president, and the electors first elect the members of the electoral college. And then these members elect the president. (Mitch, 2020).

The electoral college uses state voters as a unit of calculation, which can protect the rights and interests of the small continents, prevent them from getting more votes for a long time, and control the political situation on the continents. Since Ozu also has at least three electoral votes, the presidential candidate cannot be ignored.

The establishment of a large electoral college has dispersed the support of elected presidents to compensate for geographical imbalances caused by uneven population density and distribution. (Mitch, 2020). The electoral college approach is that voters in each state first choose their state presidential electorate, divided by the number of members in that state in Congress. (Roos, 2020).

A total of five hundred thirty-eight presidential electors were elected in fifty states and the District of Columbia. Electors from each state form an electoral college, which respectively elects the president and vice president in each state capital, and the candidate who receives more than half of the electoral votes is elected. If no candidate receives more than half of the votes, parliamentary re-elections are conducted.

The 2016 U.S. presidential election was held on November 8th, 2016 and is the 58th presidential election. In this election, the Republican candidate is Donald Trump, and the Democratic candidate is Hillary Clinton. Although Mrs. Clinton ended up getting more voter votes than Trump, more continent votes tended to Trump. (Beckwith, 2020).

Under U.S. election rules, Trump, who has received more electoral votes for the state than she was elected, was elected. Many people not only did not expect the results, but they also did not even think of the process. It had been thought that Mrs. Clinton would lead all the way, but the opposite was true. In my opinion, the 2016 election was very personal. First of all, partisan differences deepened. The 2016 election was held in the context of the polarization of American politics. (Beckwith, 2020).

The differences between ordinary Americans are growing, and everyone cannot see each other through friendly feelings. Against this background of mistrust and dislike, the 2016 election served two incredible polarized candidates with a broad public history.

The election also focused on emotional topics: race, religion, sexism, etc., which aroused people’s emotions and made it more difficult to reconcile parties after the election. Racism and gender discrimination were also common to many Americans who later found it difficult to face friends and family members who wanted to support candidates related to their experience of suffering.

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The Electoral College System. (2020, Sep 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-electoral-college/

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