Electoral College Essay Examples and Research Papers

9 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics


The Electoral College Annotated Bibliography

Pages 4 (881 words)


Electoral College

United States

Open Document

Should the Electoral College Be Abolished

Pages 5 (1 231 words)


Electoral College

United States

Open Document

The Electoral College Is Deprecated

Pages 5 (1 181 words)


Electoral College

Open Document

The Electoral College System

Pages 4 (958 words)


Electoral College

Open Document

The Establishment Of The Electoral College

Pages 6 (1 347 words)


Electoral College

Open Document

The Electoral College Should Be Terminated

Pages 3 (630 words)


Electoral College


Open Document

Pros for The Electoral College in the United States

Pages 4 (803 words)


Electoral College

United States

Open Document

Electoral College and National Popular Vote Pros and Cons

Pages 5 (1 225 words)

Electoral College

Electoral College Pros And Cons


Open Document

Electoral College is Undemocratic but We Have no Better System

Pages 5 (1 141 words)

Electoral College

Electoral College Pros And Cons


Open Document

Check a list of useful topics on Electoral College selected by experts

Critical Analysis of the US Electoral College

Electoral College System in the U.S.

Electoral College USA Politics 30 Marker

Electoral College Vote Matters

Favor of Abolishing The Electoral College

How The US Uses the Electoral College System

How Works Electoral College

Reason For Abolishing The Electoral College Politics

Should Electoral College Votes Exist

Should the Electoral College Be Abolished

The Advantage of Electoral College in America

The Current Flaws of The Electoral College in The United States

The District Electors in the Electoral College

The Electoral College

The Electoral College in The United States

The Electoral College Thesis

The Importance Of Keeping The Electoral College Politics

The United States Electoral College System

United States Electoral College

What is the Electoral College and Why Is it Controversial


The presidential elections in the US are quite a topic to grasp, and there are tons of nuances to that process. To figure this complex affair out, you might want to go through some of the essays about Electoral College, a special group of electors that forms every four years with the sole purpose of electing the president and vice president. Each state, including District Columbia, chooses electors, and right now, there are 538 of them across the states. The critics argue that this system hinders democracy as it is not as transparent as direct popular voting. Others argue that the US elections are a mess and that it is impossible to figure out what is going on there without a degree in political studies. You might want to check out the Electoral College essay examples to get a better understanding of how this system works and how it may hinder or benefit democracy in the US. This would also be helpful if you want to write an Electoral College essay yourself and need more information on how it functions.

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