The Differing Opinions on the Implementation of New Gun Control Laws

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The end of 2012 sparked a huge uproar for the implementation of gun control laws. On December 14, Sandy Hook Elementary School fell victim to a school shooting using a .223 caliber, semiautomatic weapon. This resulted in the death of six staff members and 20 children ages 6—7, Since then there has been a fierce argument between gun control activists and pro rights activists over the laws surrounding the availability of guns and ammunition for purchase to the public. As gun violence rises in American society, gun control has become a more pressing issue for society to deal with. Unfortunately, the approach of gun control laws has conservatives up in arms about the new changes. While instances like Sandy Hook provide valid reasons for implementing new gun laws, in the long run it would be less beneficial to implement such strict laws, Many believe that by eliminating the access civilians have to hand guns, there will be a decrease in gun-related violence.

In the UK, almost all handguns are banned from civilian possession, ownership or purchase, and have been since 1997. This was in response to a similar situation to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. However, after the banning of hand guns the rates for intentional suicide reached peak levels. While it cannot be denied that the number of homicides involving guns has decreased since the ban, the rates of murders has gone up. While a direct link cannot be justified between civilians having less access to weapons for protection and these murder rates, at the end of the day the fact still remains that there are more people killing each other now than there were before the ban on handguns. The ban on guns in America would more than likely follow suit with the trend seen in the UK, leaving civilians less able to defend themselves against the criminals that are using the guns illegally.

Honestly speaking, larger scale criminals with bigger operations do not acquire their guns legallyr They buy unregistered guns so that their crimes cannot be traced back to them through gun registries, Therefore, the act of making guns harder for civilians would be a moot point That would only make it harder for civilians to defend themselves, without really affecting the activity of the criminals using the guns While ideally, the challenge of purchasing firearms would deter criminals, that doesn’t necessarily provide safety to civilians. It merely renders them unable to protect themselves against outside threats. When arguing the gun restrictions, the NGOA leans heavily on the constitution to fight the incoming flood of laws. Conservatives have fiercely argued that the new laws violate their rights according the the founding fathers, “being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed” This is even more true today, as the civilians face more lethal threats than our fore fathers did.

While conservatives argue that the second amendment does not stand as an unlimited right to own guns, it is still technically violation of civilians rights to put restricting laws on guns. Many have argued that the constitutional law then should not necessarily determine our laws now, since our founding father‘s weren’t armed with semiautomatic and automatic weapons, However, in the event of the defeat of the US military, the last standing line of the nation’s defense would be the civilians. In the event of an invasion, the military personnel invading would be armed with AK-47 variantsr So if civilians had no access to weapons that were more than hunting rifles and hang guns with limited ammunition, the country would be very easily over run.

Gun control is a tricky subject, while there is justifiable cause for the laws to be put in place, it isn’t necessarily the best plan ideologically. The lack of access to weapons for self defense and defending families and homes would be more detrimental than the continuation of allowing guns themselves. Without a way to protect their loved ones and themselves, civilians would be placed at the mercy of police men and women who remained armed, criminals purchasing ghost guns or black market guns illegally to use untraceably, or the extreme circumstance of a military invasion. While instances like Sandy Hook provide valid reasons for implementing new gun laws, in the long run it would be less beneficial to implement such strict laws.

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The Differing Opinions on the Implementation of New Gun Control Laws. (2023, Apr 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-differing-opinions-on-the-implementation-of-new-gun-control-laws/

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