The civilizations of ancient Greece

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Ancient Greece made a lot of contributions to math and science. In todays world we relate to that, for almost everyday we use math and science in our everyday lives. The civilizations of ancient Greece was influenced by many spheres: like, science, art, language, politics, and educational systems.

The Ancient Athens would only allow a little group of men in the residents to vote. The Athens democracy demanded a lot of help from men. The men had to vote, take positions of authority. They had to always be ready to join the Athens Assembly on a regular basis to vote, discuss, and debate on important matters going on. For example, they had to vote on when they should go into war. The Athens democracy was not very stressful, due to the many slaves the citizens had working for them.

Eventually the Athens decided to encourage their citizens to pay the slaves to act as jurors in the court. The Athen Democracy did not have a lot of freedom as we do in todays world. Now, in our society we also use a democratic system. But, our democratic system in todays world differs from the Athens’. They are different because the Ancient Greeks democracy voted on the decision instead of choosing people to make the decision. The Parthenon, which was a grand building with pillars located in Athens had a very big impact on our culture today. Today, pillars like the Parthenon pillars are located by many public buildings. The Parthenon and the Erechtheum building were two very good examples of amazing Greek structures. Each specific Greek structure was inspired by the story of a specific god. The Greeks can be credited by developing many forms of math, science, art, language, and even sports. The Greeks were they first to form a democracy. they were also the first to start building and creating cities. I think we follow behind the Greeks more than we think we do.


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The civilizations of ancient Greece. (2020, Sep 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-civilizations-of-ancient-greece/



What are the 3 main time periods of Greek civilization?
The three main time periods of Greek civilization are the Archaic period, the Classical period, and the Hellenistic period. These periods are characterized by significant cultural, political, and artistic developments that shaped the course of Greek history.
What civilizations were in ancient Greece?
The ancient Greeks were divided into many different civilizations. The two most powerful were the Athens and the Spartans.
What was the Greek civilization known for?
The Greek civilization was known for its art, literature, and philosophy.
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The Greek gods were flawed because they represented human qualities and emotions. They were not perfect beings, but rather showed that humans are capable of both good and bad.
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