“The Art of Dying Well” Analysis

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Ars Moriendi also known as the “The art of dying well’ are two Latin text that were used from about 1415 to 1450 which offer advice of the procedure of the good death explaining how to die well according to Christian perception in the late Middle ages and Egyptian book of the dead is the ancient Egyptian text generally written on papyrus used from the beginning of the new kingdom to around 50BCE. This book has close collection of text consisting of magic number of spells that were used to help dead person journey through the underworld into the afterlife it was written by many priest over period of 1000 years.

Ars moriendi was a practical guidance for dying it was performed by Christian, this practical’s some were supposed to be attended and some were written in the manuals. Looking at the manuals, They were informing about what to expect during the journey and giving away prescribed prayers, teaching about actions and attitudes that would lead to a good death and salvation. The first works appeared in Europe in the early 15th century and they initiated a remarkably flexible genre of Christian writing that lasted well into the 18th century. Looking at the 15th century beginnings the Christian had well established beliefs and practical’s concerning death and the afterlife, the Ars moriendi packed many of these into new concise format meaning that it expanded the rite for priest visiting the sick into a manual for clergy and laypeople. Diseases, was, changes in theology and church policies formed the background for this new work .Black death have devastated Europe in the previous century and its re-occurrence and other diseases continued to cut life short and also the addition of wars and violence contributed to death toll . Vulnerability of life under these conditions coincided with the theological shift noted by historian Philip Aries, by the 15th century attention focused on individual’s judgement immediately after death. One’s own death and judgement became an urgent issue that required preparation.

This traditional system emerged as part of church authorities a program for educating priest and laypeople and in the 14th century catechisms began to appear (a manual of religious instructions) and hand books were drafted to prepare priest for parish work including ministry to the Dying ,Jean Gerson chancellor of University of Paris brought to the councils his brief essay de arte moriendi .This work became the basis anonymous Ars moriendi treatise (piece of writing) that soon appeared, perhaps at the council itself, the work was made sure to be spread around quickly throughout Europe. The Ars moriendi has two different version the first longer treatise that contains 6 chapters that shows rites and prayers that have to be fulfilled before death or the time of death. And the second version is a brief that shows illustrated book that shows the pictures of a dying person struggling with temptations before succeeding a good death.

The devil with a hooking stuff death himself with a soldier pike are attempting to take the soul of a Dying man, while there is a tiny person that prays for help and angels offers protection. Ars moriendi prediction in the manuscript illustration to warn believers that they must live a good life or face punishment after death.

The illustrated version of the circulated manly as block books the pictures and the text were printed from curved block wood. There are eleven illustrations in the block book Ars moriendi, where five scenes represent a scene where demons try to tempt a dying man and five other shows angels offering their inspiration.

The word block is prepared as a relief matrix, which means the areas to show “white” are cut with knife of chisel, leaving the character or images to sow in black at the original phase label. The block was cut through the grain the wood, it was only necessary to ink the block and bring it into firm and even contact with the paper or cloth to archive an acceptable print .The content would print in reverse or mirror image a further complication when text was involved. The art of curving the wood cut is known as xylography the term is rarely used in English.

There are five examples of the inspiration remedies in order to pass the temptations to commit fully into Christ passion and death.

1. Temptation against the versus reaffirmation of faith

2. Testament to despair versus hope for forgiveness

3. Temptation to impatience versus charity and patience

4. Temptations to vain glory versus humility and recollection of sins

5. Temptation attachment to family and property versus detachment

All the people who followed this tradition had to know all the rules of dying well in the manuscripts.


The ancient Egyptian book of the dead is part of the Egyptian religion. It contains all of the information that is needed for the spirit who has died to get through the trials and test to get through the afterlife. The type text that they used to use was hieroglyphs, this text was found on the walls of many tombs , pyramid and coffins. The Name Book of the dead was actually given by the European explores and archeologist due to the fact that all the passages were found on burial tomb , the true Egyptian translate Name translate to “the book of coming and fourth day.

The ancient Egyptian believed in magic and the book is actually collection of magical speeches and prayers that would be used by the person that died , it was designed to help and guide them so that they could pass the spiritual test and enter the afterlife. Many of the chapters of the book are written on papyrus , some are found on coffins ,tomb walls and funeral objects. They include illustrations and pictures that sometimes show individual person as they make their journey to their afterlife. Pharoah and wealthy families would have personal inscriptions , but the average middle class cost could not afford the cost. The Egyptian civilization lasted for 3000 years and throughout the time there were different versions of the book of the dead. Various spells were created by priest depends on the importance of the gods and goddess of the time and around 1500BCE, what is called the eighteenth dynasty the created what we see today, at that time it was normal to include images of their gods.

One of the main parts of the Egyptian book of the dead is showing the process that a person who has died must go through go through. There is a the test that must be passed in order to enter the afterlife where by the spirit of the person who has passed away enters the hall two truths and the Egyptian god Anubis will be waiting with two scales on the other side of the scale the will be an ostrich feather and the god would put heart of a person that died on the other side , if it happens that the feather is weighted more than the heart of the person it proves that the person led a good life and was allowed to go after life. The other Egyptian god is known as Thoth he is the scribe, he would write in hieroglyphs the judgment that is going to take place for the person who if dead , there are a lot of gods who serve a purpose in the Egyptian book of the dead.

The Egyptian believed that if ever a person dies they are still going to live your normal life in the afterlife if ever you passed the test whether you are wealthy or not wealthy your life will remain the same in the afterlife they just believe in the beauty of life. This vision of the afterlife remained for three thousand years. The book of the dead was written on papyri to order by scribes, they were commissioned by people in preparation of their own funerals. This Egyptian papyrus was written in hieroglyphs the type of writing that would show images that have a certain meaning. The papyrus of Ani is a manuscript with curved hieroglyphs and showing color illustrations that was created in 1250BCE. The papyrus plants grow in the marshy areas around Nile river. In the ancient Egypt, the wild plant was used for writing scripts one of them is the Book of the dead, the inside triangular stalks were then laid out in two layers one horizontal and in vertical dried into papyrus sheet.

The version was edited by priest of colleges of Annu and which was based upon series of text . before the text could be written on papyrus this hieroglyphs would be found on the walls of pyramid and coffins and which was mostly about the teachings of the afterlife.

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“The Art of Dying Well” Analysis. (2022, Apr 04). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-art-of-dying-well-analysis/

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