The Art Analysis of St. Cecilia Mint Museum

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Uptown houses the internationally renowned Craft+ Design collection, as well as outstanding collections of American, contemporary, and European art, in Charlotte NC (Villarreal, 2018). I am not sure where to visit the museum in Charlotte, NC, but I found the greatest Mint Museum Uptown, which is the cultural institute of art in this city. When I went to the Mint Museum Uptown this past week, I was gladly surprised by seeing different kinds of artwork that has thousands of showcasing art collections and designs. I choose the artwork of St. Cecilia because the artist uses incredible and realistic style throughout his lifetime. The historic and excellent artist, John Singleton Copley paints this artwork on 1803. He was considered as one of the popular portrait painters and influential figures in the American colonies. This artwork dimension is approximately about length of 94.50 inches and width of 58 inches. He uses different materials like oil on canvas with original frame to create this art. This artwork is in rectangular shape and places very easily to against the wall. This painting is an excellent frame of an artwork.

In this art, it symbolizes two babies, which shows the peaceful, love, and characterizes civil disobedience in their countries. The background color is black, which symbolizes the death of evil. There is also a lady named St. Cecilia who is playing and showing love to her children and country. She is playing the musical instrument, which shows the feeling, and the painting viewers believe that her sweet voice can give her more experience in the singing field. It also shows the happiness of the nature and helps other painters to create this sort of artwork in their lifetimes. The lady plays the harp old instrument with help of her finger. The musical instrument looks like a triangular shape. She demonstrates her musical talent by playing the instrument, which is a very graceful figure to create her artwork. The red color symbolizes to protect the dark evil. The red flower symbolizes the peace, love, affection and compassion to her children. One of the babies Angel, represents good news from heaven. In this art, the focal points lie in the sky. The two focal points are mentioned here in artwork, and two babies and this lady playing with musical instrument incredibly shows a potential artwork to viewer because both mother and two babies are seeking attention on musical instruments due to bright colors. The ray of the light is also symbolized to give the power of the lady to play the musical instrument. The main subjects of this painting may symbolize to the viewer that it is real in this nature and some people are facing it. This artwork contains four main figures which are two angels, a woman and harp instrument.

In this art, the lines are well presented in the instrument and the background light and color are simple to analyze for this painting viewer. The artist wants to show that the woman and angels are to be related to each other by uniting through color, which is white color. The artist wants to show that mother and babies are fully dedicated to music and the instrument.

Also, the shape also concludes that the babies are looking at their mother to show the proof that they are angels from heaven. In Copley’s artwork, St. Cecilia, he arts a deep meaning by using the elements of art such as line, spaces, shape, texture, light and colors. Also, the way he painted this artwork is in the realistic form. Every object in this painting has a meaning; for instance, the harp instrument represents the sadness feeling of a woman has the dark spaces behind her can tell us the sad history that she went through. By looking at her face, she is looking up to the two angels and the two angels are pointing up as well which give as many thoughts and meaning. However, the space between the angels and the woman are telling us they are related. Overall, the artist has done a great job by using the elements of art to deliver the meaning he wants us to know and feel about his work.

Work Cited

  1. Villarreal, Ignacio. 2018, Nov 24. Colombian Artist Fernando Botero Says in Interview He Is ‘Not Obsessed with Fat Women’, artdaily.com/news/32229/The-Mint-Museum-Acquires-Painting-by-John-Singleton-Copley#.W_nrTpNKg1g.

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The Art Analysis of St. Cecilia Mint Museum. (2022, Apr 04). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/the-art-analysis-of-st-cecilia-mint-museum/

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