Tattoos in Modern Society

  • Updated March 27, 2023
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Tattoos can be controversial thing in today’s society, where it seems everyone has their two cents on the topic. I think you can look at tattoos in two ways, a form of expression or for aesthetic purposes. Although tattoos are more prominent in millennial, there is still a lot of stereotype surrounding tattoos. For example, tattoos are usually stereotyped as more of a hyper-masculine and manly thing.

The way social media and television portray women getting tattoos, they are always small, about love, or very feminine. When men cover their bodies in ink, society views them as strong masculine men. Especially as a woman, for example, a mother having ink all over her body would be seen as “setting a bad influence”, inappropriate. Durkheim’s social facts allow society to determine which tattoos are okay and others are unacceptable. The conflict theory also allows the upper class to determine for everyone else which tattoos are normal and respectable and others not.

For example, people with cheek piercings are looked at as not normal because of these theories. The reality is that there is no straight answer for why people get tattoos and why others don’t. Tattoos are a perfect example of symbolic interactionism because it shows how some people are disgusted by the thought of a tattoo while usually younger people are amused by the idea of it. Personally I think tattoos are a form of self-expression and if it’ your body you are the only person who should have a say on what you do with it.

I myself have thought of getting a meaningful tattoo, although I have not gotten a tattoo yet. I would want to get a tattoo of a saying or of a symbol that means something important to me. I don’t think there is anything wrong with getting a tattoo once you are the legal age of consent. If you can risk your life for the army at 18 you should also be able to make the choice of what you want on your body.

Most of the older generation wouldn’t agree with tattoos because it wasn’t common back in the day, in some place even prohibited. It was seen as deviant behavior and in today society itis almost becoming apart from the norm to have a tattoo nowadays that it will not longer seen as controversial. There is also an increase of availability of tattoos. With the rise of social media its a lot. easier to get tattoo ideas and find people who can do one for you. According to conflict theory tattoos can separate people from the rest of society who are conformists.

I also think that media have a big influence on why the younger generation are more open to inking their bodies. When people see their role models, favorite artists getting themselves tattooed, its makes us more open to the idea of it and want it more. If the reason people want to get tattoos is to add on to their happiness and identity then I see no reason there should be judgment.

Cite this paper

Tattoos in Modern Society. (2021, Oct 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/tattoos-in-modern-society/



Are tattoos acceptable in society?
There is no definitive answer, as society's views on tattoos are constantly changing. However, in general, tattoos are becoming more and more acceptable in society.
How are tattoos viewed in today's society?
Tattoos are seen as a form of self-expression in today's society. They are also seen as a way to show off your personality.
What is a modern tattoo?
A modern tattoo is a piece of art that is placed on the skin with the use of a needle. The ink is placed into the skin and the tattoo is permanent.
Why does everyone have a tattoo nowadays?
Parental sacrifice is giving up something important for the sake of their child. It is an act of selflessness and love.
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