Take a Risks and Planning Lead to Success

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All human beings desire to be successful. However, being successful is not as easy and short as it is thought. People choose different ways of reaching success. Some people choose to take risks to succeed, while others prefer planning ahead every detail. So which one is more significant? In my opinion, make plans is more significant because it is guaranteed in some ways.

Making a plan is a guaranteed way to achieve success. Because it can lead doing jobs on time and it gives chance people to fix their mistakes. Being planned provides people to predict their potential mistakes or errors in any system, thus people can change their plans accordingly and act more carefully on the next steps. For example, We have achieved great success in a project we did in the last year of my university thanks to the good planning. We built a satellite project for the Nasa’s CanSat project. We planned all the details before starting the project and we did not take any risks at any stage. Since we had some errors and failures beforehand, we always had plans for B and C. By taking risks, we could have finished our project more easily and in a shorter time, but these risks could have made us worse. Our way took a long time, but in the end, our success was guaranteed. With this experience, we learned that good planning always helps us to realize what comes and make preparation for it.

On the other hand, taking risks is the indisputable fact that reaching goals and success. Most of the time, entrepreneurs have a tendency to act like risk takers who are open the new changes and innovations. Their perspective on life thinking creative ideas and following developments especially in technology. Risk takers always are lookout about catching new ideas and occasions, therefore, they tend to utilize the opportunities. Sometimes, taking risks may conclude disappointment or very costly consequences. It could harm a person’s life in a negative way and can cause demotivation in further decision-making processes.

To sum up, some people who have the spirit of entrepreneurship prefer to take risks, they behave braver due to the nature of enterprising than the people who are guaranteed their jobs in every aspect. Being planned and acting carefully in every step of not only the business life also in social life increase the quality of life and bring more happiness to people.


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Take a Risks and Planning Lead to Success. (2021, Feb 05). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/take-a-risks-and-planning-lead-to-success/

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