In this essay, I will be discussing how did Francis Bacon’s discovery of the scientific method change the way we looked at the world around us, what types of scientific and governmental changes were brought about because of this phase of the Enlightenment, and why is that historically significant.
When Francis Bacon discovered and popularized the Scientific Method, it changed the old logic-based arguments with gathering and analyzing observations from experiments. Before the Scientific Method, educated people would use logical-based arguments that would be theorized and be considered true based on a field experiments. This type of research would not provide the most scientific answer during the time in-which people believed it was true.
With the introduction of the Scientific Method, educated people would conduct and analyze experiments to create a hypothesis about what happened in the experiment instead of an educated guess. With the Scientific Method, it provided a valid answer with evidence to support its claim that it was true. The Scientific Method was a ground-breaking discovery by Francis Bacon which consisted testing a hypothesis in developing an answer with experiments.
With scientific discoveries in the Enlightenment Era, it sparked the idea of exploring the world for government systems in-which using science as the model for knowledge. The science in government is important especially political science which involves the theories and observations about the government system. New forms of government started during the Enlightenment Era which was a political experiment with people believing how their government should be run.
The Enlightenment Era started theories about science, political science, and laws that would be proven true using scientific thinking. The Enlightenment Era allowed theories to be tested allowing one’s mind to use science to help create a hypothesis. The Enlightenment Era was best known as the Age of Reason in-which educated people used science to solve their problems and provide an answer.
Therefore, the Scientific Method and the Enlightenment Era is historically significant because it uses evidence, observation, and date method for acquiring knowledge. It also helped shaped government systems for their new desire for exploring and researching new continents with the aid of science including new government systems.