Role of Renewable Energy in Overcoming Global Warming and Climate Change

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Will plants and animals be able to manage their lives when being affected by rising temperatures? It’s a far less discussion about how we can help affected animals and plants that are important in their ecosystem. Global temperature is highly increasing in areas of the Earth making ecosystems change with specific climate conditions. These conditions are temperature and rainfall patterns. “As we humans begin adapting and developing strategies to this hot planet, we must not exclude the greater global diversity” because they are very critical to our lives. Global warming goes way back as far to the 1900’s and around the Industrial Revolution when the United States had significantly warmed up. It started to become a thing in 1980’s because it marked a sharp increase in global temperature.

If change is to be made, it’s important to investigate on how we got in this situation with all the human activities which is making unhealthy for everyone and thing living on this Earth. Many international groups have started to change their ways or look into ways to produce a healthier atmosphere. In the Philippines they’re department of energy has already began making islands fossil fuel free. They are utilizing the area with 100 percent renewable energy such as geothermal, hydropower, solar and wind power. That’s a start to get rid of greenhouse gases in their country but other countries need to also jump on the renewable energy because it’s one of the best things to produce a clean atmosphere.

From “Taking climate change seriously” it reports that sea levels, and earth’s surface temperature rising which can make islands and coastal communities uninhabitable. The effect it has on plants is that in some areas of the world people live off of plants and fruits so if the climate starts changing on them the plants won’t be able to develop there. The people would have to start to adapt to some new food or probably move to a different place. The same goes for the animals that live in a ecosystem that’s changing, they will have to adapt to the new climate if they can survive in it or move to a new area. We need to look into the critical habitats where species and plants won’t be able to grow where we won’t be able to use them.

“Rescue operations may be the scenario of the future” physically moving plants to a healthier ecosystem for them to live. In areas of the world people or individuals who aren’t scientists are helping out with the effect of global warming. Besides planting trees without added expense people can help by biking or walking more and driving less. “EU leaders suggest that countries most order a 30 percent reduction in emissions, to slow climate change. Ten states in the northeast have passed laws to reduce emissions and encourage developments for alternative energy sources. With all these years passing by we need to get on this now before it gets worse then what it already is. America is still the biggest contributor at one-fifth of the world emissions, and China with its increasing number of emissions is second.

Looking into the new technology that can help us produce healthier air and how it is doing in the current state. The federal government needs to get together it’s investments in renewable energy, clean technology, and community programs for people in full employment across the country to make new profit for people who want to do it. In recent articles there’s been talk about massive solar and wind energy being built in Saudi Arabia and Colorado. Not only it’s clean technology but because renewable energy is more profitable and cheaper to establish than digging for gas, coal, or oil. People that live in the mountains they can see the rising temps when wildfires start up or if they are on the coast where there are hurricanes occur. Scientists are trying to understand how climate change is impacting hurricane activity.

“Research suggests that climate change makes hurricanes more intense and possibly makes these intense events occur more frequently” according to “Climate change in my backyard”. People don’t understand how much plants and animals are being overlooked and not knowing how important they are to many people who make profit off it or live off of it. We depend on a wild stock of fish, and healthy forest can reduce the effects of emissions which also can filter pollution. The fishery, forestry, agricultural industries need to recognize the importance of them assisting the recovery of damaged, degraded, and destroyed ecosystems. Climate change also changes the life cycles of animals and plants. For example in Global Climate Change it’s stated that as “temperatures get warmer, many plants are starting to grow and bloom earlier in the spring and survive longer into the fall.” That also means that animals are starting to wake up from hibernation sooner or migrating to different places.

Manageable solutions that individuals can start to do is that they can start to start driving less and start walking to stop the production of emissions that we produce without realising it. People are going to have to change from getting their energy from burning fossil fuels to getting their energy from a variety of clean energy sources. Many of these energy sources are already developed today, while other ones are being tested. Technologies like solar and wind power produce energy without burning fossil fuels. Other ones reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by capturing the gases before they reach the atmosphere. The most effective sources are solar energy, wind energy, and water energy. Wind energy has turbines that rotate when wind is blowing. When the blades rotate they are connected to a generator that creates electricity as it turns.

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Role of Renewable Energy in Overcoming Global Warming and Climate Change. (2021, Oct 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/role-of-renewable-energy-in-overcoming-global-warming-and-climate-change/

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