Beginning in 1929 the United States saw one of the most dramatic upheavals in its history, most of the people went bankrupt or homeless their were many buisness that shut down and their were many droughts of unemployments. Many breadwinners from the roaring felt deep humiliation when they found out they couldn’t put any food on their families tables. Even today, nearly every survivor of the great depression can still recall the feelings of hunger and desperation.
The Great Depression in the United States also caused a major worldwide depression as virtually every industrial economy such as Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Japan and others were brought to its knees in the 1930s. The fiscally conservative U.S government led hoover refused to provide any direct relief to the masses.
Deal policies and programs not only provided relief recover and reform but also drastically changed the federal government’s role in politics and society. During terms in office in the 1930s the federal government had no control over and direct involvement in the daily lives of american people. Many denounced the deal saying that the policies were transforming the United States into a welfare state.
Indeed the budget defected every year and the national debt more than doubled in ten years. roosevelt applied the economic theories of maynard keynes to his new domestic policies and the positive results were so widespread that even long after the Great Depression was over Democrats continued to fight for more government in the economy greater wealth and increased for the need.
Despite the criticism that the deal attracted, its policies and legislation must be considered a success simply by virtue of the fact that they enabled millions of americans to survive the great depression. unlike his republican predecessor hoover roosevelt’s goal was to help as many americans as possible, regardless of congress or the supreme court’s disapproval. Whereas hoover’s perspective had been to wait for the storm to pass and let the economy correct itself so roosevelt took immediate action, passing legislation that created new jobs constructed houses and shelters and handed out food to the hungry.
Despite these numerous benefits however the deal ultimately failed to end the great depression. more than ten years after the crash of 1929 millions of americans were still hungry homeles and unemployed. Some people argue that roosevelt could have ended the depression completely if he had put more cash into the economy. The depression ended only after the united states entered world war II.