Polite Speech Argumentative Essay

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In todays society the phrases “How are you?” and “Nice to meet you.” are second nature. They are said without meaning and with no intent of actually caring about how the person is. We say these phrases with the intent of leaving a good impression. Initially, speaking politely is used to make people, especially business men and women, seem approachable and friendly thus creating a positive relationship. But after the first or second time saying the same polite phrases they are just simply said. Polite speech has become superficial in today society due to its common use and lack of meaning. In todays society the phrases “How are you?” and “Nice to meet you.” are said as second nature due to the lack of face to face relationships, scientific evidence, the redefinition of polite speech, and through personal experience.

Society today is very self focused. We do not care about outside things going on around us because we are so focused on accomplishing things for our selfs. In an article form The Tempest author Zereen states that we live in “a world where people are immersed in technology, the economy, and only do good for the sake of gloating about it,”(Zereen). This goes to prove that society has changed drastically over the last 30 years. In todays world everything revolves around technology and conversations that were face to face are said via FaceTime or Skype. Which makes people less interactive and emotionless when things happen in person. Real life communication has become superficial and only happens if it has to. Due to this lack of communication speaking is done without meaning. The common phrases “How are you?” and “Nice to meet you.” are used as a greeting to make the speaker seem like a spectacular person.

Scientific evidence proves just how the lack of compassion and meaning behind polite speech is used the world today. In the article “How Language Effects Your Wealth-Health” by author Ozgun Atasoy states “Speaking a language that has obligatory future markers, such as English, makes people 30 percent less likely to save money for the future.”(Atasoy). Thus meaning that due to futuristic speech the U.S. is 30% less likely you save money.

This is a large percent and all because of the type of speech we use. English is general spoken with the intent speaking to that person again and with anticipation of what they will talk about. Overall, the type of polite language we speech affects the amount of money we will save in life.

In my life I have noticed several times that polite speech such “How are you?” and “Nice to meet you.” are used as second nature and I can account to this. I work at Candy Kitchen and we greet the customers with a hello and how are you. I notice myself no actually caring how the person is. Not just because they are a complete stranger just because the phrase is second nature. There have also been instances where the customer has not answer or asked the general phrase of “good. How are you”. We all fall into the trap of saying these common phrases because we want to leave a good impression.

Others may say that polite speech is necessary in today hateful and grieving society. This is true but if we speak without meaning then we are not truly speaking at all. In the article “Importance of Politeness in Life” author Nidhika Chawla states “Politeness means consideration for feelings of others…”(Chawla). Thus meaning that if we do not speak with the intent of listing and caring about the other person we are not speaking politely. We are redefine polite speech to make it seem like we “meaning” to say it with care. But on the counter side if we do not greet people with a fake smile and say common phrases, such as “How are you” and “Nice to meet you”, we are judged poorly. What we say does not matter endless there is some sort of point or meaning.

In todays society the phrases “How are you?” and “Nice to meet you.” are said as second nature due to the lack of face to face relationships, scientific evidence, the redefinition of polite speech, and through personal experience. The use of polite speech has become superficial and is just simply said to leave a good impression. Polite speech is supposed to be said with meaning, dignity, and with the hopes of leaving a proper impression. Without meaning there is no dignity and without dignity it will not leave an impression other then that you don’t care about the persons well being.


  1. Ahmed, Zereen. “Is Polite Speech Really Worth It?” The Tempest, 1 July 2017, thetempest.co/2016/07/24/life-love/is-polite-speech-really-worth-it/.
  2. Atasoy, Ozgun. “How Your Language Affects Your Wealth and Health.” Scientific American, 19 Mar. 2013, www.scientificamerican.com/article/how-language-effects-your-wealth-health/.
  3. “Importance of Politeness in Life.” MeenakshiWorldSchool, www.meenakshiworldschool.com/blog/8-importance-of-politeness-in-life.

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Polite Speech Argumentative Essay. (2021, Nov 18). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/polite-speech/



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