Photography: Brief History and Equipment

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Apple released its first camera in 1994, the Apple Quicktake, which was designed by kodak. Cameras today are mostly in phones . Photography has changed since 1816, when it did not even take the pictures! They had to draw them! The process of photography may seem simple, but with the right materials it can become complicated, but it does not have to be complicated it can be fun, interesting, and artist. Photography can be interesting in many ways.

Photography’s history is interesting in many ways. An example of this is “…passing through the hole, converge into an upside-down image which can be seen to be “projected” onto the surface inside the container” (Young). But the camera obscura only allowed for the viewing of that image in real time. In order to record it permanently, artists still had to trace the image by hand inside the camera” (Young). Cameras have become more than just pictures, it was an art.

The history of photography is different and sometimes complicated. “In 1832, they put the last touches, using a residue of lavender oil distillation, by means of a second process producing images in a one day exposure time” (‘The History of’). The lavender oil distillation was a big jump for its time. It was never thought that they could make the exposure that little. In 1906, two brothers invented an autochrome plate (‘The History of’). The autochrome plate was also a major help. The history of the camera is long and sometimes repetitious.

Photography has numerous pieces of equipment. The most important piece of material that photographers need is a camera. Another important piece is knowing what they want to photograph (‘Things Every Beginner’). For transferring images the external hard/ solid state drive is the way to go. Memory card readers are also great for every photographer. If they worried about the background there is a collapsible reflector. The collapsible reflector is great for bounce fill and many others (‘Key Accessories For’). There are many tools that photographers need, and all of them are important.

Photographer materials needed for the job is many. An example is that many photographers use filters, camera bags, tripods, cleaning kits, and ect. Filters are good for every photo that you take. Cooling filter can help cool down the filter and heating does the same. (‘Key Accessories For’). The supplies for a photographer is great in number. Another piece of equipment is a “camera bag… a good camera bag is a necessity. It will be heavily used so put some thought into what will serve someone best” (‘Key Accessories For’).

The next example is great for holding the photo steady for them. A tripod, it is great for making stable pictures. (‘Key Accessories For’). The last item on our list is also important. Cleaning kits, they are great for many cameras, filters, bags, and tripods (‘Key Accessories For’). They want to make sure that they keep their equipment clean. It is important to keep they equipment clean so they can always take a great picture at any moment. Photographers have many more materials than just the ones that I have named.

The process of photography is just as important. There are three major steps in photography; developing the film, printing, and exposure. (‘Photography’). The exposure is an important part of this process. “The camera optics focus an image through the lens and onto the emulsion grains” (‘Photography’). “The camera controls the light through a combination of the size of the opening in the lens (the aperture) and the length of time the aperture stays open (the shutter speed). A wide variety of exposure effects can be achieved by varying these two factors” (‘Photography’).

The light and the image starts to form a latent image on the film.(‘Photography’). The latent image is then taken to see the magnification by the focal len, then the light goes through the film and mixes with the combinations in the optic lense in the films chemical property. (‘Photography’). The photo is then negative, meaning when seen by the eye in is different. In different word, the image that are poked by dark and light are the areas that are not exposed are light.(‘Photography’). There are more steps that make the process so important but this was a few.

The process of photography is a great and unique process. The development comes right after exposure so this is the second step of the process. “After exposure, the film is usually removed from the camera for development, however, there are special Polaroid cameras that use a special self-developing film” (‘Photography’). This film is unique. The film has is able to create a picture in within one minute. That is without any additional development processing (‘Photography’). Images that are produced with this film do not have as high quality as opposed to the standard 35mm film (‘Photography’).

To produce an image, a film has to modified in complex ways. . Putting the film in a chemical developer bath must be done in order to enhance the latent. The last but not least important is printing. Producing the final image from a negative is known as Printing (‘Photography’). “If photography is the art of taking a picture, printing is the science of making a picture”. Printing needs paper, negative, and light. The light the image larger, using light- sensitive paper and use a focal lens and light to made the negative clear. (‘Photography’). “The positive image on this paper is then developed in a manner similar to that described above for developing negatives” (‘Photography’). The process of photography is not just stages put together but it is an art.

In many ways photography can be interesting. The reason for this essay is because, photography can be another world to escape the pain and or sorrow. It can be the peace in the storm. I now think every time I take a photograph I think of everything that it went though to be what it is today. “ In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality” (Alfred Stieglitz).

Cite this paper

Photography: Brief History and Equipment. (2021, Jun 18). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/photography-brief-history-and-equipment/



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