Persuasion by Jane Austen

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Anne continues to display her character of capability, sensibility, and compassion in her interactions with the Musgroves. I love how when it is time for her to leave everyone acknowledges how they will miss her. It makes me upset she has to leave them though because she is now among people who truly value her. They are able to distinguish between self-serving vanity and true beauty.

Lady Russell’s compliments reaffirm Anne’s returning vitality and beauty. I think this may be because of the confidence she gained during her time with the Musgroves. The events she experienced with them confirmed her helpfulness and her variety of abilities. I think these events are also the main reason why Captain Wentworth iis starting to open up about his true romantic feelings he still holds for her. I found Lady Russell’s viewpoint of Captain Wentworth interesting.

Lady Russell remembers the young him as a lad who was smart and overconfident. She thinks that he gave up so easily on Anne when she disappointed him, and she believes that for all of his flash and determination, he did not truly value or love Anne enough to fight for her. I never thought of it that way. I always thought Anne did not fight for Captain Wentworth, but now I realize it is a two sided street. Although Anne did not fight against Lady Russell, neither did Captain Wentworth. His attention was all on his own wounded prided that Anne hurt him by refusing him and siding with her family. He did not try to persuade Lady Russell that he was worthy of Anne.

Rather, he just ran away with the Navy. Jane Austen reveals more about Anne’s feelings towards her aristocratic heritage and home through her visit to the Crofts. Her values differ from those of Sir Walter Elliot and Elizabeth in that she is not vain and possessive for the most part. She does possess a real and touching attachment to the estate as her home. It is evident she grieves her loss and degradation of her family. She reveals that she is sad new tenants now live in her old home she recognizes their model behavior and marriage. I feel their values align more with Anne than the rest of the Elliot family.

Admiral Croft shows he is a man of ral importance and character than Sir Walter Elliot when he speaks of the changes he and Mrs. Croft have made. Through his removal of the mirrors Admiral Croft proves he finds no need to constantly look at himself to confirm hi importance. He expresses that in his experience good looks and vanity are not necessary for self worth. I am a little confused regarding Captain Benwick… does he like Anne as a friend or more? Does he even like her, or does he just admire her/look up to her? I wonder where he is right now as well, since he did not visit Kellynch Hall, and no one mentions whether he is actually with Captain Wentworth.

At a final note I think Jane Austen is still developing the plot with this section. I thought it would just involve mostly Captain Wentworth, Louisa, and Anne, but apparently not. I have noticed the setting has switched from Kellynch Hall, to Lyme, back to Kellynch Hall, and now to Bath.The plot has been very simple so far, and nothing has really happened besides Louisa’s fall, but it seems Jane Austen will use Mr. Elliot as a key role in the story. Now all of sudden mr. Elliot has purposefully repaired his old quarrel with Sir Walter Elliot. This has to be significant.

Why would Mr. Elliot, who supposedly refused to acknowledge Sir Walter Elliot even though that is the man he will inherit an estate, want to suddenly act properly. Why does he now want to change his manners? It seems fishy. There has to be something driving him to change, and Anne will definitely be involved. Anne is curious to finally be formally introduced to Mr. Elliot, but I hope she doesn’t get hurt in the process.


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Persuasion by Jane Austen. (2021, Aug 12). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/persuasion-by-jane-austen/

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