Personality Test and Factors Influencing the Personality

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Personality is defined as the organised pattern of behavior and attitudes that makes a human being distinctive. Personality is developed by the continuing interaction of tendency, style , and environment. It modifies your daily life routine and plays a big indicator on your opinion on matters. One’s personality is in the blood , you gain it through childhood growth and surrounding. It’s altered by one’s significance, intimate memories, social contact, habits, and expertness. ​There are ample of personality tests that enables you to explore what your identity is, despite they are not 100% true as personality is not a detectable thing.

The most widely used test that psychologist randomly used today and in the good old days are the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2), the Rorschach Inkblot test, the Neurotic Personality Questionnaire-KON-2006, and the Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire (EPQ-R). 2 Recently , I have done doing The Big Five Project Personality Test and I am going to explain how this personality test tells on my personality. The Big Five Project Personality Test consists of 5 main elements of personality that psychologists use to classify human and their personalities and it assists in explaining one’s psychological aspect. The five elements of this personality test are open-mindedness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and negative emotionality.

First of all, let me introduce to you on how each of these factors analyze on my personality. Open-mindedness is one of the personality characteristics in this test that detects on one’s level of creativity and authority-challenging. ​ ​However, a lower percentile proves that you are considered conventional, systematic and passive. Extraversion is another type of personality trait in this test whereby high scorers for this aspect will have a tendency towards being outgoing and energetic as opposed to low scorers who tend to be introverted and less energetic. Those who score higher in Agreeableness indicates one is a friendly , cooperative and helpful nature. Low scorers , still are those who are not truthful as they posses an analytic and detached tendency.

Next is the Conscientiousness which indicates on one’s tendency to be self-disciplined and trustworthy. This factor determines your style to handle your work surrounding. You are considered well focused, organized and are trusted to complete your work when you score higher. However, you are deemed flexible, haphazard and unreliable in your projects when you score lower. Last but not least , the Negative ​- ​Emotionality indicates on one’s ability to be stable and balanced. A high percentile indicates that you need a lot of stability when you face negative emotionality or depression.

You require more time than others to recover from a setback. In some cases, you are considered in need of psychotherapy to overcome your negative emotions. You are often nervous, reactive and pessimist. A lower percentile indicates contradily that you have healthy nerves and take less time to recover from setbacks. You are often calm and stable , always think positively and try to find out the best out of the worst.


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Personality Test and Factors Influencing the Personality. (2020, Nov 14). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/personality-test-and-factors-influencing-the-personality/

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