Night-Long Exposure and Landscape Photography

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Photography is a form of art in which it is the procedure of catching light with a camera creating an image. The first photograph was taken by Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in around the 1820s. The two genres of photography that I have selected was Night-Long Exposure Photography and Landscape photography.

Night-Long Exposure Photography is a photography technique which is a photograph that has been taken over an extended period. Night-long exposure photography is often during a night-time setting given by the name. By clicking the shutter button or leaving the camera’s shutter open for an extended time more light can be absorbed. This style involves using long duration of shutter speed capturing sharply stationed element while blurring or smearing the moving elements. As in every photograph the movement will be captured but due to the camera’s shutter being open it will create fascinating effects. The photographs taken can take seconds, minutes, or even hours.

A professional that has contributed with the Night-long exposure is Giovanni Gori. He is “a commercial photographer” as stated on his web page. He has various expertise fields in which it goes from fashion to industrial as well architecture. Gori had taken a photograph called “Racing in the night, San Luca, Bologna, Italy” in contribution to the Night-long exposure photography. There is little information on this photo, but I can indeed agree that it is a beautiful photograph.

This style came about when Louis Jacques Mande Daguerre had captured precise pictures that had been show to the members of the French Académie des Sciences. After having shown the photographs to the members there were Daguerreotype cameras made in 1839 leading to the first photograph of the moon. The Night-long exposure photograph style came about when the first photograph of the moon was taken by John W. Draper from 1840. The second part of question three is difficult to answer because from all the research that has been down there is none of which answer the question. The question that has been given to me was that of “Who made it famous?” in my opinion may people contributed to making Night-long exposure photography famous or well know. I can not point or tell who exactly made this style famous.

The next style that I have chosen was Landscape photography. Landscape photography is catching a photograph that contains the essential being of the outdoors. Landscape photography is capturing pictures in a certain way that the viewer feels as if they were at the scene. In my own opinion Landscape photography is a way to show how astonishing nature is. The main idea for landscape photography would be the connection the photographer has to nature and the way it transfers the viewer to the site of the landscape.

A professional that has contributed to Landscape photography is Ted Gore. Gore is based in Southern California and has gained international applaud for his style of photography. Gore was presented the title of “USA Landscape Photographer of the Year for 2015”. Gore is a skilled outdoorsman in which he has traveled to various area of the world in the wilderness. One of the various photographs that contributes to Landscape photography is “The Keep of Vanoise”. This photograph was taken in the area of “Vanorie National Park in the French Alps”. The photograph is astonishing in my opinion, I see the light of the sun coming out in cloudy weather and the rushing stream cutting through the valley.

It is difficult to track down the origin of landscape photography considering that the first photograph that we know of was taken in 1827 or 1828 by a French inventor. A high number of landscape photographs were taken during the “Victorian era of photography”. The person responsible of making Landscape photography know to the art world was Edward Steichen. Steichen had formed a photograph named “Moonlight: The Pond” which this photograph gained undoubtful acknowledgement in the art world. The photograph was taken in the area of Mamaroneck, N.Y. in the year of 1904. Steichen had “hand-colored the black-and-white prints” and there is a possibility that he added the luminous moon. The professional photographers grasped the way that Steichen changed the photograph in a different manner.

For the final question I have combined each of the styles to make one answer. This genre inspires me in a couple of ways. One-way photography inspires me is the way that one can change the perspective of the world. For example, Landscape photography shows people the phenomenal sites that many people haven’t seen. The Landscape photographs make an individual experience as if they were at the site or even undergo a need to explore sites they have not seen before. Night-long exposure photography inspires me as well.

The way that Night-long exposure photography inspires me is the way that that the light pops out more due to the shutter being open to absorb the light. The genre that I would choose if I were a professional would be Landscape photography. I would choose that genre because I want to have a connection with nature, the outdoor, and the world itself. Traveling would be a dream and to capture the beautiful outdoors would be astonishing in many types of ways. To go to the most extraordinary place in the world and experience a connection between nature and I would in general be the fascinating.


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Night-Long Exposure and Landscape Photography. (2021, Jun 18). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/night-long-exposure-and-landscape-photography/

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