My Late Childhood Memories about My Love

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Have you ever come across a person that you knew was going to change your life forever? I had that feeling in my gut when I met my boyfriend Gary. I just somehow knew that this person was going to alter the course of my life as I knew it. He came into my life out of left field, and proceeded to make himself a permanent fixture in my heart. The day I officially started dating my boyfriend, Gary, is one of the greatest days of my life. As crazy as it sounds, that day marked the beginning of an era. I have the fondest memories of that day. When I reflect back to those moments, it’s as though time stood still. March 6th, 2010 remains to be my own perfect snow globe. Almost nine years have passed since we starting dating, but when I look at him I still see the gawky sixteen year old boy that stole my heart all those years ago.

Movie reels of memories play in my head from that very special day. I am no longer the lead character, just merely an admirer that is observing love blossom from afar. Their courtship is coming to an end and they are about to embark on journey that neither of them could really have foreseen. In many ways this day fit the profile of a young adult romance novel. We were young and naïve. There was a pinch of secrecy, as I am the eldest child and there was no discussion with my parents about dating; in their eyes I was much too young. For goodness sake his last name is Romeo, could it be anymore cliché? We hid in plain sight from my parents, meeting right around the corner from my childhood home. It was a little nerve-wracking because I did not want to get caught, and it was the first time I was ever really alone with a boy, let alone the one I had a HUGE crush on. We decided to go for a stroll and headed towards the local park.

On our way to the park lots of people were emerging from their homes. It felt as though everyone and everything was defrosting from what seemed to be the longest winter. Spring decided to make its appearance for the first time that year. The day was unseasonably warm, and the sun was shining bright. We were wrapped in a cloak of yellow. And just like the sun, happiness radiated from our faces. The gray and gloom days of winter were behind us. It was with the awakening of spring that our relationship bloomed. When we arrived at the park, we found a bench to sit. It was an area of solitude in the midst of the chaos in the park; we were not the only ones taking advantage of the warm weather.

The park was bustling with families playing and having a good time. Excited energy was in the air, you couldn’t escape it if you tried! Even though we were surrounded by people, it felt like everyone disappeared when we started talking. How is it that a place so public could feel so private? While the laughter and banter muted in the background, the colors and noises of nature became brighter and louder. You couldn’t help but notice the vibrant green foliage that encompassed us; it was almost as if it grew around us. Everything was fresh and new, we felt it too. It was a bit scary and overwhelming. I never felt this way about anyone before. He took my phone and placed a heart by his name in my list of contacts. I’ve kept his name that way ever since. Our time spent at the park was simply blissful and sweet.

We migrated through the trails of the park that lead to an area known as the Conference House. The area is lush with trees and lots of greenery. The grounds were open and welcoming. The paths were lit with big black lamp posts. We made our way down the path heading towards to pier overlooking the Raritan Bay. Our friend Jessica and her boyfriend at the time met us there because we made plans to go to the movies together afterwards. We stayed at the pier until a little after dark. We watched the most beautiful sunset. The view looked like a Van Gogh painting. The water was dynamic; the sky looked as though it was on fire. The sky grew dark and the air began to chill. We headed to the movies to see Tim Burton’s remake of Alice in Wonderland.

When we walked into the movie theater it was bright and warm. It smelled of buttery popcorn and you could hear the kernels bursting in the distance. We grabbed our snacks from concession and walked the velvet lined hallway to our seats. The movie sent us into sensory overload! It was vibrant and outrageous with its incredible special effects; I expected nothing less from Tim Burton. The credits ran, and our night was coming to an end. As we exited the theater, Gary pulled me aside and quietly asked if I would be his girlfriend. Without any hesitation, I said “yes!” We have been inseparable ever since; I couldn’t imagine a time before him and a future without him. I look forward to March 6th every year because it is a day we spend reminiscing on our sweet memories together.

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My Late Childhood Memories about My Love. (2022, Mar 21). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/my-late-childhood-memories-about-my-love/

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