My Hometown Then and Now

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Variation is an unavoidable part of our life. People can see the evidence of changing anywhere because variation is a natural fact. Also, sometimes the differences which have been resulted in changing can be wide and distinct, other times it should be imperceptible. My hometown has been changed a lot for the last 20 years compared to when I was a child. Generally, my home town differs from today with regards to the types of change in public services, income rate, and education.

Firstly, my home town is different from in the past because of the public services which have been offered for people are extremely available these days. Also, there are many health centers and hospitals which are opened to take care of people. However, in the past, my city had a small health center which was designed for a limited population.

Many people who had serious illness did not find the first aids. Actually, right now, my country has convenient transportation and such as subway, buses, and tramway. Many traffic highways are built and connected with most of the other cities. On the other hand, the roads were inconvenient and transportation was problems in the past. Also, people were compelled to go to work in bad weather.

Secondly, today my homeland is different than the past because of the once a year income for each people has increased in the last several years much time. There are many available jobs opportunities. Because there are many companies started businesses in my hometown, a lot of people involve in these companies and get sufficient salaries. Also, people in the past used to work in farms and agricultural production, most of them spent a lot of labor with less money.

Also, the production was so limited that people did not get enough food for their families because there were old and incorrect systems of management effected to farming production. However, companies are established in the city, many banks services have been opened, and people can get the advantages of banks services. For instance, they can easily get loans and financial support or invest their money. In the past, my homeland did not have banks, but people used to go to other cities which had banks.

Finally, the difference between my home town today and in the past is education. For example, many educational institutes are newly built such as colleges, universities, and high schools. A lot of students annually attend the schools, whereas, there were a limited number of schools which was built in the old design. Also, there was a poor education system, with the closing of schools, teachers going unpaid, and students lacking educational materials occurring all too often.

Nowadays, the graduated high school’s students can complete their academic study. Furthermore, not only the government but also private schools are opened which have different specialists and fields. However, the students will have options when they choose their profession. Also, students used to travel to other cities in order to attend universities.

In conclusion, today, my hometown is different from what it was in the past in three significant such as public services, parts finance, and education parts. Although no changing presents positive results, it is still better than the last time. In my opinion, my hometown will continue developing although that is might produce new challenges.


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My Hometown Then and Now. (2020, Sep 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/my-hometown-then-and-now/



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