My Childhood Memories about Parents Divorce

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Everybody has their own past experiences that has made them into who they are today. Silenced by her age, Rachel’s actions don’t necessarily meet the expectations of her current age. As you continue to age your past experiences will follow you in life and begin to morph your personality. Each person will carry a mature and immature quality within themselves and their personalities that will follow each year of your life. Although Rachel may be only but a child her past experiences make up who she is today. Major and minor events occur every day as we live our daily lives and these events will change how we perceive different outlooks on situations and begin to form us into the beings we are.

At a young age I experienced the true dreadful definition of the word divorce. As I aged through the years this event had a big impact on me. It’s normal for a family to have two parents, expect mine was different. I didn’t quite meet the expectations of a “normal” family. At the time I didn’t understand why my family was different from other families and why I had to break the uncomfortable question of “What about your parents?” In relation to the content of Eleven I thought of this example because it is a topic I wouldn’t like to admit to others.

Embarrassment can be in several different forms, from an ugly red sweater to being the odd one out. I also recall a time of having ripped my pants at the age of nine in front of my fourth-grade class. Although that embarrassment felt unreal and like it would never end I realized that without that embarrassment I wouldn’t have the same personal qualities about myself that I do now. Small things can have big effects towards the outcome of how our life will turn out and the person that we will later become. However, this experience allowed me to grow into a mature young woman. It was a hardship at a young age, but the impact of my life was shaped heavily.

This experience has now opened my view on new perspectives. I was able to realize that everyone is different, and everyone has lived through different things. We all carry different stories but we all share the same unity as one mankind. Although my story was a little rougher than what others may consider to be embarrassing it changed my age in many ways I am not only ten years older but I am also ten years younger than the age I am now. The past has made me who I am now and who I continue to carry within me.

Going through hard times will shape a mature mentality at a young age but must we never forget about the younger ages we also possess. Once we gain the lack of wonder and curiosity we lose our younger selves. If we continue asking the question “why” we will always be a child at heart. When I’m able to spend quality time with my friends I am also reliving the moment of being ten years old playing my favorite games with my friends in my bedroom. When I am excited about a special occasion I am also five at my first day of school. Every type of emotion can connect us to a previous time in history where that feeling was abundant.

In conclusion I can find myself relating to Rachel in the story of “Eleven” in a big way. Her past experiences and childhood memories shaped her into the type of person she is today just like my memories have done for me. Our stories tell who we are both through our physical actions and our mental thoughts. While the red sweater carries much symbolism to rachels character, we can all relate to who we are based on our own symbolisms. Our moral actions are not always determined by the date on our birth certificate but by the lives we have lived and will continue to live.

Everyone will need a shoulder to cry on or a friend to laugh with from the time we were born until the date is engraved on our gravestone. We are who we are because we were shaped that way. No matter what life we live we can all relate to feeling of being young at heart. The excitement you get while riding a roller coaster will never change and neither will the need for love and support. We are all different in many ways, but we are all one.


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My Childhood Memories about Parents Divorce. (2022, Mar 21). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/my-childhood-memories-about-parents-divorce/



At what age does divorce affect a child the most?
Divorce affects a child the most during the pre-adolescent and adolescent years. This is because during these years, children are developing their own identity and are more likely to feel insecure and anxious about their parents' divorce.
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I feel sad when my parents get divorced. I feel like I am losing a family.
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