My Cheerleading Role in High School

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At an early age cheerleading became my passion; I began when I was six years old and it became such an important part of my life that I even continued through high school. When I reached ninth grade I was no longer on just one team (Norwalk High School) I had also joined an all-star cheerleading team called, Xtreme Cheer CT. There were so many things that I loved about cheerleading, the most important being that I was able to inspire others. In cheerleading there is always at least one person on the team that everyone looks to for guidance and I enjoyed being that person. Being this person meant always being on top of everything, knowing all the motions, knowing the routines in advance and knowing all the right techniques and being able to answer any questions that might come my way.

Due to this, my biggest goal on my high school team was to become captain when I became eligible in my senior year. Receiving this title made me feel so accomplished and like I had been doing a good job at inspiring others. Soon after my senior year ended and I became ineligible to compete on my all-star team I began to think; as I go on through my life, sure I’ll be able to coach and still be involved in cheerleading but I can’t make it a career. This is what later led me to find my next passion to pursue, elementary education. It finally dawned on me how perfect a profession it would be for me; I would be able to continue inspiring others and direct them on how to improve themselves like I had previously done so well. To me this seems like the best of both worlds and I intend to carry this out by attending Newberry College. With the tremendous education department at Newberry there is no doubt in my mind that I won’t be able to become a fine teacher and continue on with my life goal.

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My Cheerleading Role in High School. (2022, Dec 10). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/my-cheerleading-role-in-high-school/

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