Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for the People in The Declaration of Independence

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Thomas Jefferson states in The Declaration of Independence that, “[w]e hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness” (Jefferson, 213). Now, when it comes down to who we are talking about in this passage, it is very relevant to mention that Jefferson stated only men; however, it should be very self-evident that women share these truths as well. In fact, it should be clear that everyone, no matter their sex nor race, holds these truths as well. Although the fair majority of the population believes what I just said to be true, this is modern society which has grown into a more accepting culture. In 1776, the community was very different, including their culture, where we see the person for who they are, they saw the color or gender that they were. Jefferson even owned slaves for his own home and even managed to get a few of his female slaves pregnant with his children. He seemed to have virtually no respect for African Americans, as well as women.

Long before action was taken, the American Revolution began as a series of written complaints to many people who represented the colonies overseas and their rights that they deserved. Jefferson very meticulously organized his complaints about the King of England. Thomas made sure to mention all forms of Government corruption on the King’s part. Jefferson wrote The Declaration of Independence to make a very clear and obvious presentation of the colonies’ feelings and situation to the rest of the world. Thomas structured it very logically, making it simple for readers to follow and understand how the factors he listed supported the need for the action being presented. Therefore, the rhetoric is very much effective. Thomas Jefferson wrote his thesis for The Declaration of Independence proclaiming that the colonies have the right to be independent, not live under Tyranny, and that they are going to assert that right. With all of the information that Jefferson presented, he managed to persuade me that he, along with all of the colonies that were standing in 1776 and future ones as well, deserved to claim independence from the King of Great Britain.

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Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness for the People in The Declaration of Independence. (2022, Aug 01). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/life-liberty-and-the-pursuit-of-happiness-for-the-people-in-the-declaration-of-independence/

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