Letter to Le Cordon Bleu

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Dear Sir or Madam,

With this letter, I would like to express my interest in applying for the Grand Diplôme at Le Cordon Bleu Ottawa.

I love food, it is simply a way of life. Words cannot fully express my deep admiration for the culinary arts. Cooking and being in the kitchen sparks joy and provides me with a creative outlet and a sense of purpose. While I was growing up I had no idea what my future holds, especially how my aspirations in life were pretty much non-existent. Cooking for me started as an early attempt on a new favourite pastime, it was mainly a coping mechanism I used to relieve the pressures of my day to day life. Only when I finished my formal education did I find myself craving something more, after a while I finally questioned my prospects and realised that a path in the culinary world is not only achievable but what I truly desired.

I find that the art of cooking is a platform that truly urges me to think outside the box and diverge into a place of endless culinary possibilities. In my opinion, Le Cordon Bleu has always been the epitome of culinary excellence, I actually first became aware of Le Cordon Bleu, funnily enough, after watching the 2009 movie “Julie & Julia”. I became completely engrossed in Julia Child’s life and career after attending Le Cordon Bleu, therefore I would consider it a huge honour to enrol in Julia Child’s alma mater. In essence, what I am hoping to gain while studying at Le Cordon Bleu is the necessary skill set that is needed for me to pursue my dreams of working in the culinary field. I also look forward to cooking under the tutelage of chefs with vast arrays of skill and experience that can ultimately better my skills, which would in time benefit me even further in proceeding my future career.

I like meeting people and getting to know their perspective in life and culture through food and cooking. I would consider Ottawa to be a modern and green city, living there while studying in one of the world’s most esteemed culinary institutes would be the greatest opportunity that I can imagine. I am somewhat of a picky eater, so I am determined to further broaden my taste palate by socialising with everyday people through everyday foods. Thus, I believe that my time spent studying, living, eating and just being in Ottawa in general would ultimately further and deepen my love for food, for it has been one of my lifetime goals.

Ideally, after graduating from Le Cordon Bleu I would like to work in various restaurants, bakeries, or hotels. I have always wanted to work in the hospitality industry because hotels have always been fascinating to me ever since I was a child. My goal in life is simple, it is to create, to not only imagine but to accomplish things that have never been done or thought of before and sharing said creations. Having the creative freedom to envision and create whatever I please without anyone figuratively boxing me in would be my greatest desire. Therefore, eventually opening my own business is one of my goals in life, be it my own restaurant or bakery.

Thank you for reading my letter and I look forward to enrolling in your school.


Nadya Valentina

Cite this paper

Letter to Le Cordon Bleu. (2022, Feb 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/letter-to-le-cordon-bleu/



Does Le Cordon Bleu offer degrees?
Le Cordon Bleu does offer degrees, and the school offers a variety of programs to choose from.
How do I get into Le Cordon Bleu?
Le Cordon Bleu is a world renowned cooking school with locations all over the world. To get into Le Cordon Bleu, one must have a passion for cooking and be willing to put in the hard work required to become a great chef.
How do I write a motivational letter for culinary school?
Your letter should discuss your passion for food and cooking, as well as your experience in the industry. It should be clear and concise, and explain why you believe you would be a good fit for the program.
Why are you interested in culinary arts?
A degree in culinary arts can lead to some extraordinary opportunities. From operating a farm-to-table restaurant using healthy, local ingredients to cooking nutritious, impactful meals for athletes , there are plenty of rewarding careers to explore.
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