Issue of Emerging Adulthood Substance Abuse

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Emerging adulthood is the stage in life where a person starts having more responsibilities. Depression is very predominant with all of the responsibilities that come in this stage. This responsibilities are what will make them turn into the adult they want to become. They need to go to college and work hard for whatever path they wanna take. They are trying to form an identity and also establish more personal and mature relationships with people around them. All of this comes with many responsibilities that brings them lots of stress which can later on turn into depression.

Substance use and abuse is also very predominant among young adults. They turn to this substances as a form to numb and deal with all of the stress that come during this stage. Substance use during this stage is also a result from the increase of freedom they have at that point in life. Another reason why they starting using substances is because they have less parental monitoring which makes them want to do what their parents didn’t allow them before. The fact that their peer relationships start to become more important to them is another way that they fall into substance use. They start to follow what their peers do such as partying and the use of substances. Another major reason is that the majority of them turn 21 and are now able to legally buy and consume many substances.

The use of substances during this stage in life can help people facilitate friendship formation, but it can also have lots of negative effects in a person’s life such as lots of alcohol-related problems. This alcohol-related problems can have many long term effects on the physical and psychological well-being of a person and can lead to poor academic outcomes which leads to a less favorable occupational opportunity.

Many studies have lead to believe that there are many problems in society which come from alcohol use. Fatal and non-fatal injuries and overdoses is one of the causes of alcohol use. When they use substances their mental capacity isn’t at their best which can lead to academic/ vocational failures. When they use substances they tend to act more aggressive and it’s hard to reason with them which can cause violence and other crime. When these people use substances they act carelessly without thinking of the consequences which is why another problem is unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

Excessive drinkers can also cause many problems to not only them, but for other people. When a person is under substance use, they don’t reason completely what’s right and wrong, this can often lead to physical and sexual assaults. When they are under substance use they can also go in public and insult and humiliate other people around them. They can also disrupt people around them and not give them the ability to study and sleep. Another problem that disrupts people around them is vandalism when they are under substance use.

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Issue of Emerging Adulthood Substance Abuse. (2022, Mar 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/issue-of-emerging-adulthood-substance-abuse/

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