Importance of Moral Courage Among Healthcare Executives

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What do we mean by moral courage and why is it important for a health administrator to base their behavior and decisions on moral and ethical grounds?

We can define in simple words that moral is a set of norms, values and beliefs existing and accepted in a society that serve as a model of behavior and assessment to establish what is right or wrong.
Moral courage is a quality that we must develop to determine when it is essential during decisive moments in defense of our established beliefs or rights. We can say that moral courage accompanies the ethics of virtue, which emphasizes the role of a person in fulfilling the duty to bring good consequences according to their actions based on what is right.

According to Murray (2007), understanding the importance of moral courage aids healthcare leaders to demonstrate moral courage when they face ethical challenges and the creation of an ethical environment. Moreover, a good understanding of our moral courage helps us face the inevitable ethical questions and guides us at a time when doing the right thing is not easy or popular. To do so requires moral bravery, and a firm conviction to do what is ethical.

Making important decisions correctly based on what is right is one of the most complex and delicate challenges that health care administrator face. The good development and productivity in the health care services provided in the health care organization will depend to a large extent in the balance achieved on those decisions. There is usually no worse decision than the one we do not take. Indecision almost always causes frustration and failure, so the health administrator should always base his judgment on what is right regardless of the different opinions of criteria.

According to the Code of Ethics of the American College of Healthcare Executives (2017), Healthcare executives have an obligation to act in ways that will merit the trust, confidence and respect of healthcare professionals and the general public. Therefore, healthcare executives should lead lives that embody an exemplary system of values and ethics (ACHE Code of Ethics, 2017).

The effects on an organization and in others by the health administrators ethical model or behavior will depends on the bases that he promote his decisions, for example, if a health administrator bases his decisions on unethical or illegal ground to seek a greater economic benefit, it can harm the entire group of people who work in the organization and therefore will affect the health care services provide to the patients, especially if the people affected are against the application of those measurement are against their morals. This would cause an internal conflict between the different parties in the long term, it will suppose a fracture in the system of the organization, translating in a loss of profit and productivity.

When an administrator bases his conduct and decisions on a moral framework, such decisions tend to have better results since they are more accepted and comfortable, usually people within an organization seek different results and act for varied motivations; therefore, health administrators have to take into account several dimensions of their actions, which include material benefits, but also psychological, social and ethical variables since the results are seen in health services.


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Importance of Moral Courage Among Healthcare Executives. (2020, Sep 22). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/importance-of-moral-courage-among-healthcare-executives/



Why is moral courage important in healthcare?
Moral courage is essential in healthcare because it enables healthcare professionals to stand up for what is right, even in the face of adversity. It allows them to advocate for their patients, challenge unethical practices, and make difficult decisions that prioritize patient welfare over personal gain.
Why is moral courage important in leadership?
Moral courage is important in leadership because it allows leaders to make difficult decisions that may be unpopular with others, but which they believe are the right decisions. Leaders who lack moral courage may be swayed by public opinion or pressure from others, and as a result, make decisions that are not in the best interest of the organization or the people they are leading.
Why is morals important in healthcare?
Morals are important in healthcare because they provide a framework for how to make decisions about difficult issues. They also help guide healthcare providers in how to treat patients with respect and dignity.
Why moral courage is important in the workplace?
In "Tuesdays with Morrie," the author explores his own feelings about death and dying. He also tries to come to terms with his own mortality.
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