His politeness is Her powerlessness by Deborah Tannen Summary

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Gender is just another way to identify a male from a female. Identity is defined in how a person dresses, acts, and even how they walk.
Three prominent voices that address this topic of language gender and culture creating a person’s identity are Lorde, Tannen, and Butler. Lorde claims that if we were given a voice we should use it and speak with it and express what we feel and to not be afraid what others may think of us we are all different and people should accept us whether you are straight, lesbian, or even bisexual. However, in the contrats, Tannen claims that no matter what women are always going to be seen as low status or less than a man. While Butler claims that no matter what people judge without knowing a person or the simple fact that they don’t accept people for who they are to a point where some people are getting killed.

In the article “His Politeness Is Her Powerless” by Deborah Tannen, Tannen main point of the article was to show that no matter what happens, womens are mostly seen as powerless and mens can be powerful. In the article, Tannen says, “Evidence from other cultures also make it clear that indirectness does not in itself reflect low status. Rather, our assumption about the status of women compels us to interpret anything they do as reflecting low status”(Tannen 121). Tannen proves that no matter what women are always going to be seen as powerless. This relates to power because gender plays a big role, especially for mens. If mens speak or ask indirectly, then they are seen in a polite, high status, and prove that they have more power then women. But, when it comes to women’s direct way of asking or speaking, then men see the women’s style as clumsy and rude


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His politeness is Her powerlessness by Deborah Tannen Summary. (2021, Feb 26). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/his-politeness-is-her-powerlessness-by-deborah-tannen/

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