Have you Ever Had a Dream that Gave You Hope?

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Have you ever had a dream that gave you hope when it was most needed? Okay, in of Mice and Men who set up during the Great Depression in California. Life was rough and bitter for the different characters and could be, and in a life of hardship and deprivation, the American dream was the only source of hope. The visions of the characters influenced their way of behaving and their personalities

George and lennie had a dream of owning their own land and farm and not having the responsibility to work under someone else, but their dream leads them to do bad things while trying to pursue their dreams. In Of Mice and Men George says “We gonna get a little place. We’ll have cow. An’ we’ll have maybe pigs an’ chickens, an down the flat we’ll have a little piece of alfalfa for the rabbits.” (Steinbeck,Page 60). This quote shows that their vision in a difficult time brought them a sense of pleasure and how they were willing to do anything to fulfill this dream. “Oh! Please don’t do that!” George’ll be mad… George gonna say I’ve done a bad thing. He ain’t gonna let me tend no rabbits… You gonna get me in trouble jus like Goearge says you will.” “And she continued to struggle, and her eyes were wild with terror. He shook her then, and he was angry with her… he shook her; and her body flopped like a fish. And then she was still, for lennie had broken her neck.”(Steinbeck, page 103). This quote shows how Lennie was willing to do anything for the realization of his American dream and even risked a human being. Dreams gave hope and motivation for something new to the characters.

Curley’s wife’s dream is to become an actress and had hope that one day she might become one. In reality of curley’s wife dreams is what she doesn’t want to be at the ranch and doesn’t want to be married to curley. Curley’s wife says “ I tell you I aint used to livin like this. I coulda made somethin of myself.” (Steinbeck, Page 88). The quote shows how the wife of curley regrets marrying curley and how she would be something in life if she hadn’t married curley. In chapter 4 curley’s wife states “Think I don’t like to talk to somebody ever’ once in a while? Think I like to stick in that house alla time?” (Steinbeck, Page 111). The quote shows how lonely the wife of curley is and how curley is not encouraging her to communicate with others. Curley’s wife spends most of her time alone because she doesn’t have anyone to speak to, and the men on the ranch won’t join her because they’re afraid of losing their jobs. More realistically, the vision of Curley’s wife is that she is away from the ranch and curley and that she can live a normal life.

Crooks american dream is to be accepted in society and to have friends. Of Mice and Men it states “ Cause I’m black. They play cards in there, but I can’t play cause i’m black.” (Steinbeck, Page 68). The quote shows that he can’t do certain things because Crooks is black. Crooks is not regarded as an equal man on the ranch, and this leaves me lonely. “Come on in and set a while Crooks said long as you wont get out and leave me alone you might as well set down.” (Steinbeck, Page 68). This quote shows how sad Crooks is, and since Lennie has a disability, he doesn’t see his color and it gives Crooks hope to have a new friend.

Dreams gave hope in the time of the Great Depression to George, Lennie, Crooks, and Curley’s wife. All the different characters had a passion for riding to fulfill their American Dreams. Their dreams inspired the characters in their acts and made the characters do whatever and risk whatever to make their dreams come true in their personalities living the American Dream.

Works Cited

  1. Steinbeck, John. 1937. New York: Penguin Books.

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Have you Ever Had a Dream that Gave You Hope?. (2020, Sep 19). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/have-you-ever-had-a-dream-that-gave-you-hope/



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