Hamlet: An Examination of Revenge, Existential Dilemma, and Human Emotions in Shakespeare’s Masterpiece

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Among the vast array of Shakespeare’s oeuvre, “Hamlet” shines brightly as a theatrical gem that continues to enchant audiences with its intricate exploration of authority, vengeance, and existential crisis. Revolving around Prince Hamlet’s vendetta against his uncle Claudius for the murder of his father, the play plunges into deep philosophical riddles and the complexity of human emotions. This discourse aims to penetrate the richness of “Hamlet” and the captivating journey of its eponymous hero that make it an enduring classic.

Main Section

At its core, “Hamlet” is a quintessential revenge drama. Yet, its profoundness resides in the protagonist’s inner turmoil, emblematically encapsulated in his soliloquy “To be or not to be.” The examination of life and death, and the dichotomy of action and inaction, pervade the narrative as Hamlet wrestles with the formidable task of exacting revenge. Hamlet’s intellectual and ethical introspection imparts multifaceted complexity to what might have otherwise been a straightforward tale of revenge.

Furthermore, Hamlet’s intricate character is veiled in ambiguity. He oscillates between sanity and madness, leaving the play’s characters and the audience speculating about his mental health. Is Hamlet’s madness authentic, or is it a ruse, a cover behind which he executes his revenge mission? This ambiguity amplifies the play’s mystery and underscores Hamlet’s psychological intricacy.

Equally noteworthy are Hamlet’s relationships with the women in his life – his mother Gertrude and his love interest Ophelia. His interactions with them expose a mix of bitterness, disappointment, and longing, reflecting the emotional turmoil within him. Notably, Ophelia’s tragic end, attributed to Hamlet’s rejection and feigned madness, adds an additional layer of remorse and sorrow to Hamlet’s burdened psyche.

The play’s finale, characterized by a lethal duel and the collapse of the Danish monarchy, highlights the tragic toll of revenge and deception. It emphasizes the moral disarray and the human losses resulting from unchecked ambition and corruption, encapsulated in the chilling statement, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”


“Hamlet” continues to hold its place as one of Shakespeare’s most impactful creations, due to its profound scrutiny of human sentiments, ethical conundrums, and the fallout of vengeance. The character of Hamlet, with his introspective demeanor and tragic trajectory, strikes a chord with audiences as he personifies the universal battle with existential queries and the human predicament. Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” encourages us to contemplate our mortality, our moral compass, and the consequences of our deeds, asserting its enduring relevance in the realm of dramatic literature.”


  1. “Hamlet” by William Shakespeare – This is the primary text that forms the basis for any discussion on Hamlet.
  2. “Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human” by Harold Bloom – This book includes significant analysis of Shakespeare’s characters, including Hamlet.
  3. “Hamlet in Purgatory” by Stephen Greenblatt – Greenblatt discusses the cultural and historical context of “Hamlet”, especially focusing on themes of death and afterlife.
  4. “The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare’s Tragedies” edited by Claire McEachern – This book provides comprehensive analysis of Shakespeare’s tragedies, including “Hamlet.”
  5. “The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” by A.C. Bradley – Bradley provides an in-depth character study of Hamlet.
  6. Numerous academic articles in journals such as “Shakespeare Quarterly,” “The Review of English Studies,” and “Early Modern Literary Studies” often have detailed essays and studies focused on “Hamlet.”

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Hamlet: An Examination of Revenge, Existential Dilemma, and Human Emotions in Shakespeare’s Masterpiece. (2023, Jul 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/hamlet-an-examination-of-revenge-existential-dilemma-and-human-emotions-in-shakespeares-masterpiece/

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