Graffiti and Artists

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Graffiti is writing or drawings made on a wall or other surface, usually as a form of artistic expression. Graffiti ranges from words to elaborate wall paintings and has existed since ancient times. We can date graffiti back to ancient Egypt, ancient Greece ,and the Roman Empire. Graffiti is a very controversial subject. In most countries painting or making property without permission is considered by property owners and authorities as vandalism and defacement. Graffiti has been viewed as a growing problem since the 1970s.On the other hand, graffiti can be viewed as access to mainstream media. In order to be heard they display their art or political views in public locations.

Serious artists use graffiti as a form of genuine expression. Through their art, artists start important conversations about political, social, and environmental issues. Graffiti creators and artists often use public spaces to express themselves ,which rouses the issue of vandalism. People judge graffiti as bad due to the fact that they don’t understand it. One artist who does graffiti in a meaningful way is Obey. he creates communist propaganda. He expressed how he feels and how others feel about communism. Another artist that expresses the peoples thoughts on life is Banksy. He’s one of the best artists whose murals make you think of life and what the world is going through.

Graffiti for many artists and creators is more than tagging but a way of life. These artists wake up everyday and draw whatever is on their mind. It could be a number of things, a dream,feelings about the economy,or even a future goal. through graffiti daily thoughts of an average person can be shared. expressing what you feel and think wouldn’t be a crime if you’re not hurting others. Any form of writing can be considered a tagger even if it’s not intentional. Many artists get arrested and let go but others are put in jail or juvenile hall for minors giving them bad reputations.

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Graffiti and Artists. (2020, Dec 13). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/graffiti-and-artists/



What does graffiti artist mean?
A graffiti artist is a person who creates art on public surfaces using various materials and techniques, often with a message or social commentary. They are often associated with urban areas and underground subcultures.
What is the difference between a street artist and a graffiti artist?
A street artist is someone who creates art in public places for the purpose of beautifying the area or sending a message. A graffiti artist is someone who tags buildings or other structures with spray paint or markers without permission.
Who is the artist of graffiti?
The artist of graffiti is Banksy.
Why do artists use graffiti?
Graffiti allows artists to express themselves, even if it is not in a publicly acceptable manner . Graffiti can also be used to mark territories and is well established in gang culture. Graffiti can be criminal, political, humorous, or even beautiful.
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