Gender Equality in Mexico

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Gender equality is the presence of equal rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys. (“European Institute of Gender Equality”) Gender Equality is necessary for sustainable development, because it allows both genders to have equal opportunities, and it stimulates economic growth. (Darrah).

Gender inequality is considered a violation to the human rights, its unethical and antisocial. Woman are less than one third of the world researches, they represent more than 66% of the world’s 750 million adults that are currently illiterate, and its been proven that a woman journalist is more prone to suffer from assault, menace, and verbal or digital attack.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) states; “Our message is clear: women and men must enjoy equal opportunities, choices, capabilities, power and knowledge as equal citizens. Equipping girls and boys, women and men with the knowledge, values, attitudes and skills to tackle gender disparities is a precondition to building a sustainable future for all”.

Mexico has strict rules against discrimination on hiring, there are huge fines when this happens, although many people don’t know about this rules, so in many businesses of Mexico, gender discrimination in hiring happens without any repercussions, as well the wage gap of Mexico is of 16.67 as in 2015, this shows that Mexico, is on the right path towards reducing gender inequality, but has a long path to go.

Short-long term physical, sexual and reproductive, and mental health problems are associated to:

The right of universal suffrage (right to vote) is considered extremely important, it assures equity, this allows for a democratic government, in which everyone is included in the voting process, thankfully in mexico everyone is allowed to vote and it’s rigged by a “federal republic composed of thirty-two federal entities: thirty-one states and Mexico City and has a Presidential system of government”. (“Secretaria de Relaciones Publicas”)

It’s important to grant the same opportunities of studying to both genders as the increase of woman’s and girls’ attainment on the educational sector has been directly linked to 50 percent of economic growth over the past 50 years on the OECD countries. (“UN Woman”)

Teen pregnancy is a mayor problematic that we are still facing as in 2019, getting rid of unwanted teen pregnancy is crucial, because it can lead to premature birth in the child, anemia, high blood pressure, higher rate in infant mortality, greater risk of cephalopelvic disproportion. (“Teen Pregnancy Issues and Challenges – American Pregnancy Association”)

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), sixteen million girls between 15 and 19 years old, and approximately 1 million of girls under 15, give birth every year, “the fertility rate of Mexico is 77 child births from every thousand adolescents ranging from 15-19 years old, when the worldwide fertility rate is at 46 child births from every thousand adolescents ranging from 15-19 years old, this shows that Mexico has 59% percent higher rate than the worldwide rate, this is extremely worrying.” (Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres, 2019)

The fertility rates in adolescents are still very high, they affect principally the population that live in vulnerable conditions and show inequalities in and between countries. Adolescent pregnancy in teenage years can have a deep effect in the health of girls through the course of their lives. It doesn’t only obstruct them psychologically, but it its linked to inefficient results in their health, with a grater risk of maternal death. The children born when the mother is in their adolescent years are in greater risk and can fall into poverty as well. (Carissa F. Etienne, Directora de la OPS.)

There are negative effects on teenage pregnancy, such as health problems, lower permanence in school, low income and future low income, less access to recreative opportunities, social, and less quality specialized job opportunities, less development. Adding to this, having intercourse without protection (condom) can lead and increases chances of getting sexual transmitted diseases. (Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres, 2019)

To combat this issue the Mexican Government is developing a national strategy so called “Estrategia Nacional para la Prevención del Embarazo en Adolescentes” (ENEPA), which was made possible thanks to the collaborative work of 16 federal governmental dependencies, as well of the participation of the civil society organization, of international organisms and expert people in the academic fields, in this subject. (Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres, 2019)


  1. “Gender Equality.” European Institute for Gender Equality, EIGE, 2015, eige.europa.eu/thesaurus/terms/1168. Accessed 6 Sept. 2019.
  2. Darrah, Petrina. “Why Is Gender Equality Important? | GVI UK.” Gvi.Co.Uk, GVI, 11 June 2019, www.gvi.co.uk/blog/why-is-gender-equality-important/. Accessed 6 Sept. 2019.
  3. “Facts and Figures: Economic Empowerment.” UN Women, 2019, www.unwomen.org/en/what-we-do/economic-empowerment/facts-and-figures. Accessed 6 Sept. 2019.
  4. Renaud_I. GENDER EQUALITY IN EDUCATION, EMPLOYMENT AND ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Meeting of the OECD Council at Ministerial Level. 2012.
  5. “Teen Pregnancy Issues and Challenges – Asociación Americana Del Embarazo.” Asociación Americana Del Embarazo, 16 July 2019, americanpregnancy.org/unplanned-pregnancy/teen-pregnancy-issues-challenges/. Accessed 6 Sept. 2019.
  6. *Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres. (2019). Estrategia Nacional para la Prevención del Embarazo en Adolescentes. Retrieved September 7, 2019, from gob.mx website: https://www.gob.mx/inmujeres/acciones-y-programas/estrategia-nacional-para-la-prevencion-del-embarazo-en-adolescentes-33454
  7. https://www.facebook.com/unesco. “Priority Gender Equality.” UNESCO, 25 June 2019, en.unesco.org/genderequality. Accessed 7 Sept. 2019.
  8. “Mexican Political System.” Sre.Gob.Mx, 2014, globalmx.sre.gob.mx/index.php/en/democracy-and-rule-of-law/mexican-political-system. Accessed 8 Sept. 2019.

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Gender Equality in Mexico. (2021, Feb 06). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/gender-equality-in-mexico/

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