US History Essay Examples Page 10

362 essay samples on this topic

Essay Examples

Essay topics

The Protest of The Boston Tea Party

Pages 2 (440 words)

Boston Tea Party

US History

Open Document

Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America’s Independence

Pages 5 (1 179 words)

American Revolution

Revolutionary War

US History

Open Document

The 1912 Presidential Election

Pages 5 (1 105 words)


Presidential Election

US History

Open Document

History of United States Presidential Election

Pages 11 (2 639 words)


Presidential Election

US History

Open Document

Causes and Effects of the Great Depression

Pages 7 (1 551 words)

Great Depression

US History

What Caused The Great Depression

Open Document

What is Progressive Era?

Pages 3 (602 words)

The Progressive Era

US History

Open Document

XYZ Affair and the War of 1812 Argumentative Essay

Pages 6 (1 457 words)

US History

War of 1812

Open Document

Progressive Era and the United States Senate

Pages 2 (460 words)

The Progressive Era

US History

Open Document

1950S: America after War

Pages 5 (1 220 words)


American History

US History

Open Document

United States during the Gilded Age

Pages 3 (567 words)

Gilded Age

US History

Open Document
1 9 10 11 37

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