Great Britain Essay Examples and Research Papers Page 2

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 Equality and Diversity in UK’s Public Sector and Barriers in Achieving Equality

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Great Britain



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Great Britain is an island separated from the European mainland by the English Channel and North Sea. It comprises the nations of England, Scotland and Wales. Its long history is evident in prehistoric sites such as Neolithic Stonehenge and medieval castles like those at Warwick, Dover and Caernarfon. Roman ruins include Hadrian’s Wall, which once divided Roman Britain from the northern Scottish Lowlands. ― Google


Area: 80,823 mi²

Location: Northwestern Europe

Pop. density: 302/km2 (782/sq mi)

Population: 64.55 million (2018) ONS UK

Island group: British Isles

The topography of Great Britain consists mainly of low, gently rolling hills in the eastern and southern portions of the island and hills and low mountains in the western and northern regions.Aug 30, 2019

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