Fragrance is the Best Gift for the Holiday Season

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There is nothing better than a bottle of perfume or cologne for holiday gifting. When we smell a certain fragrance we instantly connect that smell to a portion of our memory. Certain smells will awaken emotions and memories that are very meaningful to us and even sometimes we forget we had. “Perfume is the key to our memories” said Kate Lord Brown, fragrance expert.

Perfume dates all the way back to the Egyptians. They would use scents for all different types of ceremonies. The Egyptian high society used perfume with the aroma of the flower lily to signify their rank. They would also use it as a body fragrance everyday which is something most people still do as part of their daily routines.

Perfume really became popular in the 17th century, especially in France. Farming of flowers for the use of perfume scents started in the south of France in the town of Grasse. The town of Grasse is known as the world capital of perfume. France has been the top country for the export of perfume, with $4.8 billion.

Black orchids are known to be mysterious flowers that have magical powers. The word orchid comes from the Greek word “orchis” which means testicle; the flower was originally named this because it has a root that has a bulbous shape that looks similar to a testicle. This shape is known to symbolize masculinity. Coelogyne pandurata is the blackest of all orchids.

Winter scents are usually dark, musky and dramatic. The new Tom Ford Black Orchid holiday edition perfume is perfect for the 2018 holiday season. The brand is presenting a brand new bottle and smell for the holiday/gifting season. The new smell includes notes of vanilla, which Kate Lord Brown says is the trending scent for this winter.

The holiday edition of Black Orchid will be very limited; only 2,000 bottles will be released to Bergdorf Goodman, Bloomingdales and Saks 5th Avenue. Black Orchid is known for its fluted black-glass bottle with gold accents, the holiday edition will be in a fluted red-velvet glass bottle with hints of rose gold accents. “Black Orchid holiday edition captures the sensuality of winter and the glamour of the season.” said Tom Ford.

Black Orchid perfume was the first offering from Tom Ford Beauty in 2006 the year Tom Ford started his brand. Tom Ford Beauty is backed by Estee Lauder Company. “This is not about an ordinary orchid; it’s about something more strange and rare. I wanted the blackest orchid, and those are not easy to find.” said Tom Ford.

The holiday edition of Black Orchid will be available in three sizes 30 ml, 50 ml and 75ml and will retail for $95, $135, and $185. NPD Group, a fragrance forecaster, predicted that the 2018 holiday scent will be orchid. VP of the fragrance department at NPD Group, Karen Grant said, “Floral fragrances with a hint of woodsy notes for the winter season are gaining more attention from female consumers than ever before.”


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Fragrance is the Best Gift for the Holiday Season. (2021, Aug 31). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/fragrance-is-the-best-gift-for-the-holiday-season/

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