Finally Overcoming All Adversity

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Overcoming adversity means overcoming the miss fortune or the most difficult situations. Hugh glass who is the main character survives the wilderness with other hunters. Hugh not only had his whole village burnt down but also had to overcome getting attacked by a bear in the middle of the woods, He was so cold and so close to dying that he witnessed his own son getting shot and he couldn’t do anything about it, After everything that Hugh has been through he eventually overcomes all the adversity. Hughes’s biggest adversity he had to overcome came right after somebody burn his village down. Whenever his village was burnt down he set foot into the wilderness to seek who did it.

Along the way he ended up hearing noises in the middle of the woods, Out of nowhere came a bear and started tearing Hughes apart. Limbs were broken blood was everywhere but by some miracle he ended up surviving. After everything that happened to him with the bear, It’s still wasn’t as bad as what was yet to come. Hughes may have almost died from the bear, but the journey wasn‘t over yet. The other hunters had to carry him throughout the trek because Hughes was pretty much paralyzed As the journey continued he would go through any means necessary for survival. Hughes and his son would go days without eating in the bitter below freezing cold temperatures. One day Hughes was abandoned by the hunters after one of them killed his son right in front of him.

After that Hugh’s ended up going to hell and back to find a kill the hunter who killed his son. Going through whatever means necessary to overcome any misfortunes or difficulty is the definition of adversity. Hughes glass live about as unfortunate as alive as you can get. His village was attacked and burned. He fled the village with him his son and some other hunters, Along the way he was attacked by a bear and basically paralyzed. Wow paralyzed he witnessed his son getting killed by the hunter he was with. After traveling for days Hughes finally overcame all the adversity and killed the hunter who killed his son, Even tho this is a movie, it is inspired by true events.

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Finally Overcoming All Adversity. (2022, Dec 06). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/finally-overcoming-all-adversity/

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