Educational Aspects in Video Games

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Most people believe that video games tend to rot the human brain and don’t have any beneficial traits. This is incorrect because, specific games teach children basic survival skills as well as help with individualized learning. Video games can help with creativity of the human mind. As well as, benefit keyboard and typing skills. Lastly, some adventure games can help with a child’s reading level, and comprehension skills. With just about most of these elements, it can benefit how a person can grow up, how their learning skills can increase, and greatly benefit which field or subject you are the most experienced in.

Video games such as Minecraft, Terraria, Miasmata, Rust, Don’t Starve, and DayZ, can help with many survival skills. The just about known video game, Minecraft, can help with basic living skills in the wilderness. There even many other genres of video games, like RPG games that require you to complete tasks and to go through the gameplay to do special missions. Some video games could actually expect students to make quick, smart choices. Most games additionally require players use key reasoning and rationale based critical thinking so as to win. Memorization is regularly in play with numerous instructive computer games. Having a child take a shot at structure their memory skills can have many advantages in numerous everyday issues.

We experience a daily reality such that innovation assumes a noteworthy job in about each part of our lives. Getting children accustomed to technology through game-based learning will enable them to turn out to be progressively free and confident. Rather than protecting children from technology, getting them familiar with it through game-based learning is a suitable approach. Learning and technology shouldn’t be seen as two contending things, but instead as accomplices in the battle to help educate kids. Overall, technology can be used for the development of children’s brains and the development of them. Computer games don’t need to be named ‘educational’ to enable kids to figure out how to decide, use strategies, foresee results and express their characters.

The downfall to video games could possibly be the amount of screen time a child receives with the video game that is being played. In most cases, this has been what parents complain about most. It’s not just video games they complain about, it’s also phones. This is why instead of having to yell at your child for spending multiple hours because of the amount of time spent playing video games perhaps, you could set up a timer or give a reasonable amount of time in which the child could play on the computer, phone, console, or anything that you can play a game on. Also it would be a good idea to check the type of game it is to see if it really is educational.

In conclusion, video games are very beneficial education wise for the reason that, video games can help you with your typing skills if it is a computer game. Using a game controller, console, as well as a PC mouse to play games can help strengthen the wrist, and the hand-eye coordination in children, which can convert into numerous other significant areas. There are also games in which you are able to edit your characters as well as their outfits which can help with making a child more creative and up the chances of having an adventurous brain. Although the amount of screen time can affect the way a child in learning, if you reduce down the amount of screen time a child can get, it will benefit your child and their learning experience.

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Educational Aspects in Video Games. (2020, Nov 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/educational-aspects-in-video-games/



How are video games educational?
Video games can provide educational benefits by improving cognitive skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and spatial awareness. They can also teach historical, scientific, and cultural concepts through interactive storytelling and gameplay.
What are the educational benefits of video games?
Games can teach players anything from basic math skills to complex problem solving. In addition, video games can help children develop hand-eye coordination, fine motor skills, and spatial awareness.
What makes a game educational?
There is no one answer to this question as different people learn in different ways. However, some factors that can make a game educational are if it is designed to teach a specific skill or concept, and if it is engaging and enjoyable to play.
What skills can students learn from video games?
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