Cooking and Consumer Awareness in Food Safety

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Staphylococcus aureus is a much feared nosocomial pathogen. For infection caused by this species, the drugs of choice are beta lactam antibiotics (in particular methilicilin and oxacillin). However, increasing resistance to these drugs has recently raised the concerns of both microbiologists and clinicians, especially in the case of methicillin resistance staphococcus aureus (MRSA) (Katakweba et al., 2012)

Best hygiene has to be maintained in the fish handling areas for prevention of contamination and loss of quality of fish. Cross contamination with harmful agents through bad handling and unhygienic practices cause illness to the consumers (Bujjamma and Padmavathi, 2015). Consumers need to be aware of potential food contamination in home and during cooking in kitchen. Cooking food thoroughly is important, but preventing contamination and cross-contamination and maintaining critical points are the most effective ways to prevent staphylococcal food poisoning (Syne et al., 2013).

Consumer awareness in food safety, other preventive measures such as the practice of serving food rapidly when kept at room temperature, wearing gloves, masks, hairnets during food handling and processing, frequent hand washing, good personal hygiene of food handlers, and use of “sneeze-bars” at buffet tables could help prevent SFD (Murray, 2005; Aycicek et al., 2005). Maintaining the cold chain is essential for preventing the growth of S. aureus in food products (Bennett et al., 2013).


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Cooking and Consumer Awareness in Food Safety. (2020, Sep 17). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/cooking-and-consumer-awareness-in-food-safety/



What are 10 food safety rules?
Food safety rules include washing hands and surfaces often, separating raw meat from other foods, cooking to the right temperature, refrigerating promptly, avoiding cross-contamination, and avoiding unpasteurized milk and juices, among others. These rules help prevent foodborne illness and ensure safe food handling practices.
What are 5 food safety practices?
1. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before handling food. 2. Keep food preparation surfaces clean and free of contaminants.
What are the 4 basic food safety principles?
The four basic food safety principles are cleanliness, cooking, cross contamination, and food storage.
What is the importance of having awareness on the food safety?
The four levels of self-disclosure are: superficial, personal, private, and intimate. Superficial level is sharing basic biographical information, personal level is sharing thoughts and feelings, private level is sharing secrets, and intimate level is sharing the most personal thoughts and feelings.
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