Table of Contents
Objective:Due to population elder is a growing phenomenon throughout the world and Iran, and physical, psychological, social, and environmental health in older people are more important, thereby, The aim of this study was comparison death anxiety, life satisfaction in elder Who lives in the Aged House and in the Families.
Methods:This study was conducted a cross-sectional research with correlation analysis on 220 elderly with age above 60 years who had inclusion criteria. For data collecting three questionnaires were used. Data analysis carried out with SPSS 21 and descriptive and analytic methods were used.
Results: There was no relationship between death anxieties with life satisfaction in the Elder. Also, death anxiety and life satisfaction in the elder who lives in the aged house were higher than the elder who lives in the families.
Conclusions: The results of the study indicate an increased fear of death and life satisfaction in the elderly living in the aged home. Officials should pay attention to all aspects of policy and plan appropriately and practically to reduce the fear of death and increase life satisfaction in the elderly.
Materials and Methods
This cross-sectional study with correlation analysis was conducted on 220 elder in Tehran from 2019 to 2020. In this study, Ethical guidelines was approved by University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation and informed consent form was obtained.
The inclusion criteria for the elder were: elder age above 60 years, Iranian nationality, experience at least one year in a agining home, ability to speak Persian and communicate verbally, not taking drugs that affect consciousness and thinking, ability to perform daily activities. We excluded the elder who had history of psychological disorder and being unable to take care of themselves.
Those who fulfil the eligibility criteria were asked to fill three questionnaires including Demographics, Z-Life Satisfaction Questionnaire, and Kalt Leicester Fear Death Questionnaire.
Life satisfaction
The life satisfaction of aging were evaluated by the Z-Life Satisfaction Questionnaire comprising 13 items, that 5 items have a negative charge and the rest have a positive charge. Life satisfaction questioner investigated One’s perspective on her condition compared to his or her youth, her condition compared to other people, what he has done in the past and present, planning for the future and achieving desires.
Satisfaction questionnaire including 13 questions, each with 3 options and each question scores from 0 to 2, with ranged scores between 0 to 26. In an Iranian study reported by Tagharobi et al; 2011 , Validity and reliability persian translation approved by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 0.79.
Death anxiety
The death anxiety of the elder was investigated by the Kalt Leicester Fear of Death Questionnaire. This scale contains 32 items in 4 sub-scales that including your own death and the death of others. Each subscale has 8 items rated on a Likert scale ranging from one to five. The Scores for each sub-scale range from 8 to 40 points ,with total ranged scores between 32 to 160. In Iran, Naderi and Ismaili reported Cronbach’s alpha coefficient 89% and In Nohi et al.’s study, its reliability for the elderly was 93%.
Data analysis
Finally, after data collection, data analysis was performed with SPSS version 21.0. Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used for normality of variables and the data were reported with mean± SD , number. Also, correlations between variables were investigated using T-test, Mann-Whitney and Spearman correlation and Significant level was considered Results
The demographic characteristics of the elder who lives in the Families or the elder who lives in the aged house are presented in Table 1. There was no significant difference between demographic characteristics in the elder groups. The mean age of the participations was, 46.89± 8.54 that 44.5% of whom were men and 55.4% of whom were women and 73.3% of the elder were married, 7.7% single and 4.8% widows/divorced that 73.2% of whom were persian race. Furthermore, 30.5% of the elder were illiterate and 30% college education. Moreover,15% of the elder had no care and 16.2% of the elder lives in the aged house.
As shown in Table 2, the mean of death anxiety in the elder who lives in the families and the elder who lives in aged house was 99.25± 5.86 and 120.43± 5.92, respectively. Fear of death in the elder who lives in the families was significantly lower than the elder who lives in aged house PThe mean of Life Satisfaction in the elder who lives in the families and the elder who lives in aged house was statistically significant PFurthermore ,the mean of life satisfaction and death anxiety in the elder were 14.19± 4.065 and 109.84 ±10.89, respectively. Spearman correlation test showed no significant relationship between life satisfaction and death anxiety in the elder.