Causes behind Suicide among Youth

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Suicide, the intentional taking of one’s own life, is one of the major problems. According to the WHO, estimates for 2020 and current trends are about 1.33 million people will die from suicide and 10-20 times more people in the world will try to commit suicide. It represents an average of 1 death every 20 seconds and 1 attempt every 1-2 seconds. It is one of the three leading causes of death among the youth of the world. Worldwide, suicide is one of the three leading causes of death among 15-44-year-olds; Overall the fifth most common cause of death and number one among adolescents; 1.5% of total deaths and about 16% of traumatic deaths.

Thus, the WHO calls on member countries to adopt and implement national suicide prevention strategies and make recommendations for the establishment or evaluation of existing national suicide monitoring systems. As the world’s largest continent, Asia accounts for about 60% of the world’s suicides, and Asian countries lack the discovery of regular suicide methods. Moreover, the extent of underestimation of suicide rate in this region has been a problem in these countries, and there are countries in Asia that do not systematically report suicide statistics are fairly straightforward and, as such, the problem of suicide can be more serious than the numbers show.

Bangladesh is a densely populous rising economy in south Asia having more incidence rates than the other Asian countries as well as recent review revealed that suicide rates in. South Asia is high compared to the global average, and there is a paucity of reliable data on suicide rates in South Asia. Although suicide is one of the forms of criminal offense in Bangladesh, there is no systematic suicide surveillance system and no Nationwide Survey on suicidal risk factors has yet been conducted in Bangladesh.

Religious and social factors continue to influence the diagnosis and registering of suicides as well as families do not disclose the true nature of the act, for fear of harassment by police and social stigma. The aim was to provide a broader idea of the suicide rate based on literature that exists in Bangladesh and the suicide rate for literature, and other suicide metric reports of the author this is the first such review on this topic in Bangladesh that can open a new horizon to address the national issue to the policymakers. In Bangladesh, this problem is silent, hidden, and unrecognized. But recent cases of suicide in the youth of Bangladesh indicated a rising rate which is alarming for our nation.

Today, youth suicide and suicidal attempts represent a serious social and public health problems in many countries of the world. Suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide, in the last 45 years, with an estimated global incidence rate of 16 per 100,000. This trend is occurring despite the improvements in the recognition and management of depression and other mental disorders, and the increased availability of newer medications with better and more tolerable side effects. Chatterjee and Basu found that suicidal behaviors and their risk factors occur in the same prevalence and frequency for developed and developing countries.

The definition of youth according to strict age limits is rather voluntary and varies with country and time. Suicide under the age of 5 is hard to find. Most literature on youth suicide refers to school-age children (7–12 years) and adolescents (13–20 years). These young people are by nature vulnerable to mental health problems, especially during the years of adolescence. This period in life is characterized by movement, changes, and transitions from one state into another, in several domains at the same time.

Young people have to make decisions about important concrete directions in life, for example, school, living situation, peer group, etc. They must also address new challenges with regard to building their own identity, developing self-esteem, acquiring increasing independence and responsibility, building new intimate relationships, etc. In the meantime they are subject to ongoing, changing psychological and physical processes themselves.

And besides that, they are often confronted with high expectations, sometimes too high, from significant relatives and peers. Such situations inevitably provoke a certain degree of helplessness, insecurity, stress, and a sense of losing control. To address these challenges and successfully cope with these emotions, young people must have access to significant supporting resources such as a stable living situation, intimate friendships, a structural framework, and economic resources.

Risk factors can be seen as factors that undermine this support or hinder access to these resources, while protective factors strengthen and protect these resources, or serve as a buffer against risk factors. In recent decades, several population-based psychological autopsy studies of suicides have been conducted, involving interviews with key informants and examination of records, as well as follow-up studies of people who have attempted suicide and have revealed important information about the risk factors for suicide in young people. Everyone agrees that numerous factors can contribute to suicide and that ultimately each suicide is caused by a highly unique, dynamic, and complex interplay of genetic, biological, psychological, and social factors. Nevertheless, it is possible to identify different types of factors that are clearly associated with an increased risk of youth suicide, so this is highly relevant with regard to prevention. There are many causes behind suicide among the youth.

Depression and Mental Illness

Depression is characterized by a feeling of sadness and hopelessness. Depression could arise from a lack of social support, poverty, drug abuse, or physical illness. Suicidal ideation occurs in more than half of those with depression, and suicidal ideas, plans, and attempts to increase with the increasing severity of depression. The risk of suicide is increased 20-fold for those with major depression, 15-fold for those with bipolar disorder, and 12-fold for dysthymic individuals.

Untreated depression is a serious risk factor for anxiety disorder, mental health problems, obesity in adulthood, and suicidal behavior in both adults and adolescents. A mental illness that has also been linked with suicide in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is characterized by hallucinatory commands. The command could even be to get rid of oneself. Mental disorders play the strongest role in the etiology of suicidal behavior. Psychological autopsy studies using youth, adult, all- ages, male and female samples have invariable shown high rates of mental disorder among those dying by suicide or making suicide attempts.

Sexual Violence

Sexual violence breaks down every social conference related to sex. It generally exposes the victims to stigmatization, often discrimination, and it may jeopardize their position in society. It has a lasting negative effect on the victim’s perception of himself, events, and others. Victims of sexual violence are blamed for their fate in many societies. Sexual violence can seriously affect the victim’s mental health, with dire consequences in the short, medium, or long-term.

Also, after experiencing sexual violence, some girls or women act rationally, whereas others display behavior that is inadequate or inappropriate (stupor us inhibition, uncontrolled agitation, individual panic flight, incessant and incoherent talking) and predisposed individuals may show psychopathological behavior. Among the most common sensitive responses displayed by victims of sexual violence are fear, anxiety, pain, frustration, shame, guilt, anger, excitement, and apathy. These factors predict suicidal behavior among young people.

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Causes behind Suicide among Youth. (2021, Dec 21). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/causes-behind-suicide-among-youth/

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