Career Development Process

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A career development process is usually a win for both employees and managers. This process majorly aims at the growth and development for the workforces and the help the company may offer to ensure that the workers have the chance to grow their careers (Hosmer, 2015). Additionally, the employees will also be able to develop themselves professionally and personally.

The roles of a manager in the career development process include the following; having dedicated career talks, appreciating the employees, their aspirations and career goals, providing adequate guidance to the employees to be able to understand protocols and philosophies regarding career development (McDonald & Hite, 2015). Additionally, they would also play a role in shaping and promoting possible employee career moves, giving support and encouragements to the employees, aligning career aspirations for their employees with the objectives, goals, and priorities of the company and finally giving feedback concerning the career development process.

Just like the manager have a role in the career development process, the employee also plays a role (Hosmer, 2015). To the employee, career development process means the capacity to match the individual’s weaknesses and strengths with the work-related threats and opportunities. The employee wishes to engage in a job, career, and occupation which focuses on their values, interests, and skills. They would want to select a job or a career that relates to the demand goals for several occupation types.

Therefore, it is the role of the employee to take responsibility for their career, come up with career plans and goals, evaluate their interests, values, and skills, and communicate with their manager concerning their career, research to get resources and information about their job (McDonald & Hite, 2015). The employee should be aware of the process and exploit the career development opportunities available for them, and lastly, an employee should have the ability to follow a genuine career path and ensure that it relates to the ultimate goal of the organization (McDonald & Hite, 2015). Career development process equips the employee with both personal and professional skills that would result in better organizational performance.

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Career Development Process. (2021, Mar 20). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/career-development-process/



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