Bertolt Brecht’s Play “The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui” Summary

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Bertolt Brecht wrote the play, The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui. The play is translated by George Tabori, revised by Alistair Beaton, and it was directed by Liam Castellan. I am an audience member which focuses on a general overview of the play. This includes the character analysis/objectives, set-design, and costume. Some of the terms they use in the script are “cauliflower trust which are the Junkers (Prussian landowners), and gangsters (fascists).”

The characters in the play are Arturo Ui (Hitler), the two body guards, Barker, Flake, Clark, Roma (Rohm), Inna, Givola (Goebbels), Giri (Goring), Physician, Prosecutor, and Crockett. Also, there is the Butcher, Dogsborough (Hidenburg), Dockdaisy, The Sheet, Ted Rag, O’Casey, Fish, Defense, Judge Hand Puppet, Women, and Grocers. The design team in Chicago played a big role in the performance, such as the painted white faces and the clownish attire of the body guards.

The setting was extremely important, the gangster theme and lighting that gives you these illusions. The Resistible Rise is focused on this idea of the political system of Germany. This play is loud, the costumes are unique, and the language is similar to Shakespeare’s. Some of the characters in this script, “is Roma the leader of SA (the Nazi part militia), Giri is the leader of secret police and leveraged his way to be Hitler’s successor, and Dogsborough is a German politician.”

Hitler in the play walks, sits, and speaks like a great leader. Hitler always walks around with his two body guards and never takes no for an answer. In the Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui, “Bertolt Brecht continues to dominate the cannon of early 20th Century German Drama- at least here in the U.S.A. Brecht fled Germany in 1933 and saw Hitler’s rise from his refuge here America.” (Brochure) Brecht despised the Nazi’s, he said they were violent and they were bullies.

This play is about the Nazi’s in Germany and it was written in 1941. This gangster play of the 1920’s is set in Chicago. The 18 scenes in the play was based on actually events in Germany and Austria. The characters costumes, their language, and gestures are exact images of the real images of the Nazi rise. In the first scene of the play, Sheet is trying to get a business loan during the depression area. Sheet gets rejected of this loan, Cauliflower offers Sheet 20,000 dollars which is half of what his company is worth.

Sheet is in no situation to bargain so he takes the offer. In this situation, this concept is called disequilibrium. Disequilibrium is the lack of stability, especially in relation to supply and demand, the consent is violated. The lighting, curtains, setting, and music gives you an image of what is going on in the play. People should have saw the “resistible” the rise of Hitler. This play reflects the concepts we have already discussed, such as General Dishonor. General Dishonor is the idea of buying something with money, easy come easy go.

Also, it is the slave who is the ultimate human tool, as disposable as the master wished. Hitler discovers the trust, and he thinks he can bribe Dogsborough (a honorable/well respected) man in approving the government loan. Hitler and his two body guards first resort to blackmail, then bullying when they get rejected from government loan.

Hitler eventually gets rid of Dogsbourgh and takes control of the trust. In the terms of social death, it is the relationship between Hitler (the master) and everyone else( the slaves). Hitler considers others as property of his own. Hitler always treated people poorly and got away with it. Hitler in the play, shows his dominance and victory.


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Bertolt Brecht’s Play “The Resistible Rise of Arturo Ui” Summary. (2021, Jul 23). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/bertolt-brechts-play-the-resistible-rise-of-arturo-ui/



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