About Sexual Harassment In Life

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Some may wonder why I chose this topic; others may think we should definitely talk and learn more about sexual assault in life. Nonetheless, sexual assault is a serious social issue throughout the United States. Sexual assault can literally happen to anyone; regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. However, men are usually not commonly victims of sexual assault, instead it is women. Many college students, do not know and understand the true meaning of sexual assault; which this situation tends to increase the rate of college students being sexually assaulted. What does sexual assault even mean? Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual activity against a person’s will or consent. Many colleges ignore campus rapes so that the college can still keep a good reputation. People need to understand if a college rape incident is not recognized or have not taken any action towards this incident that college will continue to put any student in danger. However, there are many reasons for dealing with rape victims; such as, why rape victims do not say or do anything, why people need to understand the meaning of rape or to learn how to prevent someone from getting into that type of situation, and what being raped can do to a person.

Rape tends to be the most violent crime on college campuses. Many college students who have been raped tend to not report the incident for a variety of reasons; such as because he or she is too embarrassed to report it, the authorities or other people may not believe them even with evidence, and even if he or she does report it the authorities tend to not make a big deal for rape victims because they think they have bigger problems than victims being sexually assaulted. However, that is not true. When someone is raped or sexually assaulted it changes their life forever; and I know that for a fact, because I was raped this past year in September of 2017 by a guy who I thought was a guy that I liked, but most importantly he was apart of a fraternity. Now, you may wonder how this is so important. Well, guys who are in a fraternity tend to think that they can get away with anything. However, this is also not true. Fraternity men needs to understand that they are still required to obey the law no matter the circumstance or situation they are in. Not only can fraternities change a girls life from being raped, but other people can also.

The amount of trauma from someone being raped can be a big deal. For example, I now suffer with post traumatic stress disorder, or also known as PTSD, from me being sexually assaulted. Not only do I suffer from PTSD, but I also dropped out of college for a semester, so that I could work on my mental health. I also could not ever sleep, because every time I would attempt to fall asleep I tend to have flashbacks from that night. For example, I still remember him holding me down, knowingly I could not have fight him off. Instead, I prayed and kept whispering “Someone help me” like that would have helped and I also kept saying to myself “Why me, why did this have to happen to me, what did I do to deserve this?” However, I was crying the whole entire time. First, it started off with one salty tear, and then a dozen came pouring down my face. Nobody should experience this type of pain in their entire life. Besides the fact, it is important for a person to know how to handle this type of situation when in one and to prevent the situation from happening.

To prevent a person from being raped, I would strongly consider to not drink after anyone, because you never know if that person had put something in your drink. Some other ways is to trust your first instinct, in other words do not avoid what your mind is telling you. Another way is to be assertive with a person, avoid hazardous situations, and by responding physically. For example, push, yell, scream, or run. You can also carry pepper spray, or even a taser, or both. Ever since my incident had happened to me, I now carry both. As you can see, there are many ways to prevent this situation from happening. So, trust me learn this because if not you will definitely regret it. I know I do, even still to this day. Another most important thing to not do when you get in this type of situation is to panic! I can not express this enough because panicking will only do more damage to the situation.

College sexual assaults has been and will continue to be a huge problem throughout the United States if people do not put an end to it. Many colleges have handled huge rape cases including Louisiana State University. College rape is an important thing to learn and to read about, especially for whoever is reading this right now they may be in college or have yet attended college, but now if they are in college or when they decide to go they will be more prepared compared to others who have not yet learned about sexual assault. However, hopefully people continue to spread the word and help others if they do not know about rape; so that we can prevent future sexual assault cases or victims.

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About Sexual Harassment In Life. (2022, Dec 07). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/about-sexual-harassment-in-life/

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