A Nation in Battle

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Perhaps the most recognizable part of the pledge, “…One nation, under God, indivisible. With liberty and justice for all.” Has practically seized to exist in modern day America. What happened to it, and why has, what was once the basis of our nation, become somewhat irrelevant in modern culture? There are a great number of reasons for people to believe that the U.S.A. has become a fulfillment to the prophecy mentioned in the book of Revelation. First and foremost, America as gone against the commandment, “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vein.” Though many people believe this is simply prohibiting the use of phrases such as “Oh my God…”, Dennis Prager suggests that this commandment has gotten somewhat lost in translation.

The original Hebrew copy says “Thou shalt not CARRY the name of the Lord thy God in vein” when translated into English, meaning not to commit evil acts in the name of God. To an extent, this all could be thought to have started with president Barrack Obama. He claimed to have Christian values in the beginning, but later legalized ideas that clearly go against the Bible such as same-sex marriage, later saying it was a “Victory for America.” This is obviously carrying the Lord’s name in vein because he said he one thing, and did the opposite. If he was truly never a Christian, then this is a use of deception. Proverbs 12:22 says, “Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but they that deal truly are His delight.” However, if he truly was a believer, then he went against the original commandment that was mentioned earlier. Either way, his personal beliefs do not line up with what the Bible says.

As a blanket statement, it is not fair to say that all of America carries the name of the Lord in vein. There is still a great number of people who still believe in God and obey His commands, but that will become increasingly more difficult as time goes on. Though it isn’t realistic or even reasonable to force Christianity, it is essential to uphold the religious values that this country was a based on.

The ten commandments aren’t even exclusive rules, they are a base for a harmonious society. Other laws/corrections given in the Bible such as “Love thy neighbor” also seem to be forgotten. People are being bashed for their personal opinions and beliefs, especially through social media. No matter what your religious back ground is, people should treat others with kindness and respect their opinion, even if it is different then the norm. But it is to be expected if you are bashed for leaving a comment under any post on Instagram. Christians themselves can be some of the most critical and judgmental people which is somewhat hypocritical. That is one of the biggest things that can turn people away from the church, judgement. People are afraid they will be criticized for not being perfect and that is not an abstract idea. That is something that is sadly very common within the Christian community, the worst part about it is that it’s again, so hypocritical.

That could be another way of people carrying the name of the Lord in vein, Christians criticizing others. It can be difficult, as the world is changing around us, to not only stay strong in our beliefs, but to treat others with kindness who are living a life that we disagree with. Above all else, it seems that Donald Trump is trying to restore order and power to this country, though he does not display love or kindness very well. He is also somewhat quiet on his own personal beliefs, which can be a good and a bad thing. Though he is said to be Christian, he may be fairly quiet about it as to not stir up drama and controversy. He has a past of not necessarily upholding strong morals, but just because someone is a believer, does not mean they’re perfect. It is still early on in Trump’s presidency so there is a lot to be proven. It is hard nowadays to even discern between lies and the truth. There is a lot of evil in the media with the news constantly focused on negative events. If evil is the focus, it makes you wonder what news companies truly value and if stories are ever manipulated to sound more dramatic than they really are, just to get the attention of viewers. Afterall, television is a business, and if drama sells, then it would make sense for that to be what they sell, from an economic standpoint… Fake news is a pressing topic and it has a grip on the mindset of the youth, kids often believe whatever the majority opinion is.

Everyone is always on their phones and if people’s biggest source of entertainment is feeding them lies, then it makes it increasingly more difficult for Christians. There are many online articles that state theories on how America could be the fulfillment to the prophecy in Revelation. In the book, it states a that beast will come up out of the earth and will have a voice like a dragon. A dragon is often used to symbolize the devil. Some people believe that it means that the beast is a nation and the voice of a dragon is the devil speaking through that nation and using it to accomplish evil. The theory says that the beast mentioned first, the beast with the seven heads, symbolizes the Roman papacy, and that the one who overcomes it is “America.” Revelation 13:1 says, “The dragon stood on the shore of the sea. And I saw a beast with seven heads, with ten crowns on its horns.

” There are a number of other prophecies that have been fulfilled leading up to this point. Revelation is definitely an important book to read and requires a lot of studying to comprehend fully. In that book, the “abomination” is also mentioned. There are countless theories on what that could represent. Personally, it does seem possible that America becomes a nation used by Satin. It was based on Godly standards but has already been ripped away from that and seems to be getting worse. Satin is a deceiver, and his main goal is to separate people from the love of Jesus. The easiest way to do that would be to deceive people and make Christianity seem unappealing. Because with a world getting darker and darker, it would make sense for people to turn to religion as a source of hope, that is obviously the very thing that the devil doesn’t want. The Bible says that the devil has come to steal, kill and destroy, so it would make sense for him to try to steal people’s hope away from them. There is already evil within the church. In the pledge, the word indivisible is used which means un-dividable.

The church has already been divided through denominations and even race, that is pretty clearly a tool that could be used by the devil. And with Christians becoming judgmental to the outside world, it could make non- believers very unattracted to it. The devil is at work within the church, twisting things around and manipulating people to “carry the Lord’s name in vein.” Ultimately, the church and Christianity as a whole are under attack. It really comes down to spiritual warfare and with the corrupting world around us, it won’t be easy. Ephesians 6:12 says, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Weather the theories stated earlier are true or not, it is undeniable that the devil is at work. He has been for a long time and isn’t just chilling, doing nothing. He is crafty, he is deceptive, and will tempt us in any way possible to steal us away from God. Another commandment that has been forgotten today is “Thou shalt not have any gods before Me” and that is a pretty hard thing to do, even as a Christian. That might possibly be one of the most difficult commandments. Money is the biggest false god in modern America and really, the world as a whole.

Everyone has to work and earn a living, and with the U.S. being trillions of dollars in debt, it is pretty unavoidable. They key is to not let it control us. Money is the key to a worldly life and secular success. Money itself isn’t the end goal, it’s what can be purchased with money. Phones are also a form of a false god, 99% of people are on their phones more than they spend time with God. Again, it isn’t with the phone itself, but what one can do with it (Texting, videos, pictures, media, etc.). The devil can use music, movies, phones, money, and so much more to tempt us and pull us away from a healthy relationship with God. We as believers have to look out for that and be ready for the battle of temptation. The best way to fight in spiritual warfare is to remain strong in God and in His word. Reading the Bible is the best way to not only get guidance, but also find characters who may have gone through similar situations and suffered the consequences for making the wrong choice. There is so much to learn from the Bible, but without talking to God directly, there is no relationship.

If we rely on God, He will fight the battle for us and that is why we worship. Worship is a form of thanking God and praising Him for all that He has done for us. Not only does it bring Him joy to hear it, but it also get’s our minds right and shows us what/who we should put our focus on. It is a way of talking to God, and again, you can’t have a relationship with someone without talking to them. It’s black and white, that is something a majority of the world does not have, a relationship with their Creator.

A large majority of “Christians” don’t even truly have a relationship with God. People will get on stage, sing a song, then go back to living their own selfish lives. It’s like putting on a mask. And that is another thing that turns people away from the church, a lack of realness. Opinions and theories could be discussed all day, but the truth of the matter is, we need God. He is the answer, the beginning and the end. If there is any truth to what was stated earlier then we need to be ready for it. If not, we need to be ready for other forms of tests down the road. People will face temptation in their life, it is unavoidable. It is how we handle it that will determine our spiritual strength. America is a nation in battle, and God is the answer. Works Cited • Proverbs 12:22. NIV. Bible Gateway, copywrite 2018. • Ephesians 6:12. NIV. Bible Gateway, copywrite 2018. • Revelation 13:1. NIV. Bible Gateway, copywrite 2018.

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 A Nation in Battle. (2022, May 16). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/a-nation-in-battle/

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