Why I Want to Pursue My Master’s Course in Mechanical Engineering

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My name is Smit Patel, and I come from a highly cultured family with strong ethics and moral values. My mother is a government servant, and she has been always supporting me for more superior education and bright future. I am fascinated towards the field of Mechanical Engineering because of my father. He is also a mechanical engineer and during school vacations many times I had visited his workplace. Being from an Engineering family, I have always been encouraged to learning about machines principle, manufacturing processes and its functions.

Mechanical Engineers are involved in designing, manufacturing, maintaining and developing automatic and non-automatic machines. They also involved in the process of generation and regeneration of energy. Some students believe Mechanical Engineering requires complex work, dedication and Analytical Knowledge. Mechanical Engineering is also traditionally popular between science students, and it is considered as an Evergreen field. I choose mechanical Study because it fascinates me in designing, developing, analysing various mechanical systems like Heavy duty equipment, Automobile parts and Industrial parts. Mechanical Engineering is not merely about Machine mechanics. It additionally includes various fields like Automation, thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, Mechatronics, Aerospace Engineering and some electronics. That is why I decided to choose mechanical engineering and involved in science and mathematics during high school studies.

I have recently completed undergraduate mechanical studies from Indus University, Ahmedabad. During college studies I have maintained my performance effectively. My undergraduate program has given me a comprehensive exposure to numerous courses which I found interesting- Kinematics of machines, machine design, Finite elements of analysis and Thermodynamics. Till now I have acquired the knowledge of mechanical engineering as well as basic knowledge of other engineering fields. So that I would always feel comfortable with every engineering problem I am put across even if it involves concepts of other engineering fields like electrical engineering and computer engineering. Among all these subjects, DESIGN ENGINEERING has always remained my favourite subject because it involves modern design tools which provide considerable flexibility for creation and modification. There are many examples available like Leonardo Da Vinci, Rudolf Diesel, Nikola Tesla and many more have changed our world by their designs and knowledge.

During undergraduate program I learned design software like AutoCAD 2D, Solidworks and ANSYS. I took studies beyond the wall of my classrooms keeping my self-occupied with numerous industrial visits. Most significant industrial visits during my bachelor studies include leading companies like Bosch Rexroth and Jyoti CNC Automation LTD as well as Nuclear and Thermal power plant. This encouraged me to get a closure look at applications of various subjects. My final year project was “Design and fabrication of Low Speed Wind Tunnel for Aerodynamic Testing.” Based on this project I also presented a research paper in an International Conference. Project consisted of various kind of work. The first one was to make a design of a model, the second one was to perform fabrication and the remaining work was based on the experimental calculations. In our team I did the design and experimental calculations.

Currently, I am working in a company named Thermosep Engineering Pvt Ltd. I am working here as a design engineer. At this place, I learned about the designing Codes and also learned to operate Compress CODEWARE software. By reading The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) codes and understanding the importance about design, my curiosity has increased directly. At present time, I feel that my educational and professional qualification is coupled with the opportunities arising out with tremendous industrialization have reinforced my goals and have developed a keen desire to pursue my master’s course in Mechanical Engineering.

My objective of Pursuing Masters in mechanical engineering is to acquire in depth competence and hone my intellectual abilities. I would like to apply what I learn to an industry and contribute towards its development. Innovation and development of innovative technology have been and would be a base for mutual escalation towards a revolutionized future and world. And I believe that mechanical engineering would carry out a leading role in the development. Being a mechanical engineer I consider all intentions to innovate, design and absorb novel ideas, concepts and things.

University of Ottawa offers great practical learning, which makes me confident to pursue it and it will be helpful in improving a bright career for me. Also, studying in Canada is a great culture experience, as it will give an opportunity to interact with the people of cultural backgrounds and diverse nationality. University of Ottawa is a public research university among Canada’s top 10 universities. Because of the technical guidance, scope & research facilities are of high reputation and are worth to follow. This will assist me to become a specialized engineer from an engineer.

Furthermore, I am completely aware of the fact that pursuing this course requires a high level of intelligence, dedication and immense sacrifice. I am confident that I have the capability to contribute my work towards your esteemed University and with great hope I eagerly wait for your benevolent act of accepting me into your University. I firmly believe that if I could get a chance to cultivate my potentiality in the University of Ottawa in my purpose field I will definitely satisfy my thirst for higher studies and it is a unique opportunity for me to get such kind of offer from advance country like Canada.

Thank You,

Smit Dineshbhai Patel


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Why I Want to Pursue My Master’s Course in Mechanical Engineering. (2021, Nov 24). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/why-i-want-to-pursue-my-masters-course-in-mechanical-engineering/



What can you do with masters in mechanical engineering?
A master's degree in mechanical engineering can lead to many different types of jobs. Some examples include working as a mechanical engineer, designing and developing mechanical products, or teaching engineering at the college level.
Why did you choose to study mechanical engineering?
I wanted to study mechanical engineering because I was interested in how machines work and I thought it would be a challenging and rewarding field.
Why do you want to pursue your masters?
I want to pursue my masters in order to gain a deeper understanding of my chosen field and to improve my career prospects.
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