Ways To Develop Effective Listening Skills

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Listening is a learned skill. It is vital for any effective communication to occur as it requires an involvement of the listener with speaker for the sake of understanding an expressed opinion or attitude. Generally, listening is the ability to exactly receive and interpret messages in the communication process. There are several ways to develop this skill. This essay will discuss the different ways to develop effective listening. These ways are giving feedback, Listen for the feelings the speaker is probably feeling and keeping an open mind.

Listen for the feelings the speaker is probably feeling

The more that you simply take after and open up the person’s feelings, the more likely they are to feel understood. With so numerous individuals awkward around sharing their feelings, moments of helplessness can rapidly construct a more profound association. For example if you feel happy when the person who you are talking to is feeling happy, scared when he tell you his scared, interested with what he is telling you, and transport these feeling as expressions on your face then you emphasis to the speaker your effectiveness as a listener. Empathy are the heart and soul of good listening. So To undergo empathy you should put yourself in the speaker shoes to feel what he/ she feel, it’s not an easy task to do but it shows that you are listening effectively.

Give the speaker feedback

When one human being speaks to another, he or she needs to experience two very fundamental things – they need to know that they have been understood, and they need to feel that what they said had some form of value. You want to show the speaker that you understand, So giving him/her feedback is the best way. The feedback is the answer that receiver is giving to the sender. It can take many different forms that they are verbal such as answer or question or nonverbal like a smile or gesture or nodding your head. The aim from the feedback is to confirm to the speaker that you are listening , and following him/her carefully.

Keeping an open mind

Listen without judging the other individual or rationally criticizing the things they tell you. Listen without hopping into conclusions. You do not know what those considerations and sentiments are, and the only way you’ll realize out is by listening. In case you did not understand a few parts of the discussion, inspire them to expand and ask open-ended questions to urge long replies from the speaker. This makes a difference in understanding the big picture. You can assess what was said after the speaker is done talking, but don’t do so while you’re still listening to them. Interrupting the speaker or forbidding them from finishing what they are saying can show disregard to the speaker.
Regularly, interrupting the speaker mid-sentence interrupts their train of thought and can effortlessly devastate a productive discussion. Be open to the idea that your scope of seeing things may not be the only, or necessarily the best way of seeing the world.


In conclusion, Successful listening ability is vital. Effective listening is used in several professions additionally in our personal life. After you listen to others persistently and mindfully, they feel important and naturally reciprocate within the same mold after you begin talking; so you’re continuously at an advantage. With successful listening abilities you will be able to induce a step on obstructions in life that already held you back.


  1. Introduction to Effective Listening Skills . accessed April 23. https://www.educba.com/effective-listening-skills/
  2. How to Develop Listening Skills . accessed on April 23.https://www.wikihow.com/Develop-Listening-SkillsFive reasons why feedback may be the most important skill.
  3. Bob Dignen. Published 17 March 2014. Accessed on April 24 https://www.cambridge.org/elt/blog/2014/03/17/five-reasons-feedback-may-important-skill/

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Ways To Develop Effective Listening Skills. (2020, Sep 05). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/ways-to-develop-effective-listening-skills/



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