Volleyball in the USA: From the 18th Century to the Present

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Volleyball, originally called “mintonette”, was invented in 1895 by William G, Morgan. Morgan designed the game to be a combination of basketball, baseball, tennis, and handball. The first volleyball net was only 6 feet 6 inches high, like a tennis net. The offensive style of setting and spiking was first seen in the Philippines in 1916. After a while the United States Volleyball Association was formed in 1928 to set rules for the game. In 1965 the first beach volleyball association appeared in California and in 1983 the professional players united under the American Volleyball Professionals, In the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, both American men and women took gold and silver in indoor volleyball, Then in the Korean Olympics, the men took gold again. In 1996, two-man beach volleyball was introduced to the Olympics Today 800 million people play volleyball, and 46 million live in the United States.

In volleyball each team has six players on the court, 3 players are in the front row and 3 players are in the back. The team can have a libero player, a back row defensive specialist, who wears a different color shirt Each team is allowed to have a maximum of three touches before hitting the ball over the net, A block does not count as a touch. Also, the same player can not hit the ball twice in a row. Back-row players cannot attack the ball in front the front row. If they do, they have to perform the jump behind the attack line, which is 10 feet/ 3 meter line.

The ball must be completely above the net for it to be an illegal attack. It is allowed to play the ball off the net, but it is a fault if the ball contacts net outside antennas The ball also has to travel between antennas when flying to the other side of the net. The referee calls the ball “in”, if any part of it hits the line. The ball is ruled out if, the ball lands outside the boundary lines, the ball hits the antenna, any of the net or cables outside the antennas, or the referee stand or poles or the ceiling. Players are not allowed to catch, hold, or throw the ballr Players are also not allowed to hit or block the opponent’s serve. Attacking a ball which is coming over the net is illegal if it hasn’t broken the plane of the net. Recently rules have been changed like, let serve is allowed. Let serve means it’s okay for the ball to touch the net on a serve. Also, it used to be that a team could only get a point if they had served, now a point is followed after each serve. There are many skills that are required to play volleyball. The first skill is volleyball stance which is a well-balanced position beneficial to playing volleyball, More required skills are volleyball shuffling, passing, setting, offense, defense, and blocking.

There are also many strategies that help a player out in the game of volleyball. Some blocking strategies are having area blockers and read blockers. Area blockers protect a designated area while read blockers watch the hitters and move accordingly to block them. There is also other strategies for receiving like the “W” formation, which is good for when your middle player is very capable. The over measurements for a volleyball court is 60 feet by 30 feet. The centre line equally divides the court into 30 feet squares. The attack line is marked 10 feet on each side of the center line of the court. Next is the service line which is marked 10 feet inside the right sideline on each back line; it’s also the area where a server can serve from. In modern times, the net is hung directly above the centre line at 7 feet 4 inches for women and 8 feet for men. Volleyball standards should be set at 36 feet apart, 3 feet on either side of the sidelines. The minimum ceiling height should be 23 feet, the higher, the better.

Volleyballs should not be left outside or in any harsh environment, Volleyballs and equipment should be stored in a clean location at room temperature. Also, volleyballs should be inflated to the recommended pressure. Each ball has a recommended weight printed on the balls Usually the balls are recommended to be inflated between 4-6 pounds of pressure. Over-inflating your volleyballs can lead to split seams and ruin the ball

Some safety guidelines to think about when you are playing volleyball are knee pads, the playing area, clothing, and shoes fitting properly, avoiding collisions, and hydration. It is important to think about safety when playing volleyball because a player could become seriously injured or ill. Volleyball relates to RE. standards 2.5 and 2.6 because it is a healthy and fun activity that allows students to develop athletic skills.

Work Cited

  1. www.liveslrona.corn/arzicle/87042—vollevball-saletv-rules/
  2. www.sportsknowh0w.c0n1/vollevball/dimensions/vollevbaIl-courhdimensions.html
  3. www.vollevballadvisors.com/v0llevballislrategies.
  4. www.liveslrong.corn/arlicle/429064-slralegies-for—winning-vollevball-matches/

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Volleyball in the USA: From the 18th Century to the Present. (2022, Nov 11). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/volleyball-in-the-usa-from-the-18th-century-to-the-present/

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