Understanding Education Psychology in Order to Achieve Educational Goals

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The teaching is essential and important in most communities and countries, teacher is aware of every part of the independent parts in education, it is art and science. The success of the teacher and his style in education and dealing is the secret to student success and excellence, by understanding the psychology easier for the students and the teacher choose the right way to deal with them and thus achieve educational goals.

Educational psychology could help me as a teacher to improve my skills and get wide knowledge of educational psychology through some concepts, methods, and theories. Also, IRB training course prepares me to understand human subjects and protects my rights in research. So, this course helps me to adapt basic concept, principles, and issues related to the protection of research participations.

As a teacher this course, has helped me to understand the basics of dealing with the information can be the application of theories and research on volunteers save all the rights to me and to them. The relation between me (teacher) and students should be based on honesty, trust, and respect.

In different levels teachers dealing with students of educational basics, honesty in dealing and talk to them leads to the success of plug his teacher also keeps honest generation entrusted to it. So, lying bad recipe should be avoided in dealing with small and large human. And thus make it easier for the teacher by dealing sincere explain and clarify a lot of things in life for students. The teacher must be set a good example. When I was a teaching one of my student in first grade want to have a break but she did not say that she said I need a restroom (in my country we could not allow the students any time the have get permission first but in US the restroom orlady in class). So, always I am trying to have short break . Also, when I promise my student for some thing I must do it.

The teaching is essential and important in most communities and countries, teacher is aware of every part of the independent parts in education, it is art and science .The success of the teacher and his style in education and dealing is the secret to student success and excellence, by understanding the psychology easier for the students and the teacher choose the right way to deal with them and thus achieve educational goals.

Educational psychology could help me as a teacher to improve my skills and get wide knowledge of educational psychology through some concepts, methods, and theories. Also, IRB training course prepares me to understand human subjects and protects my rights in research. So, this course helps me to adapt basic concept, principles, and issues related to the protection of research participations.

As a teacher this course, has helped me to understand the basics of dealing with the information can be the application of theories and research on volunteers save all the rights to me and to them. The relation between me (teacher) and students should be based on honesty, trust, and respect.

In different levels teachers dealing with students of educational basics, honesty in dealing and talk to them leads to the success of plug his teacher also keeps honest generation entrusted to it. So, lying bad recipe should be avoided in dealing with small and large human. And thus make it easier for the teacher by dealing sincere explain and clarify a lot of things in life for students. The teacher must be set a good example. When I was a teaching one of my student in first grade want to have a break but she did not say that she said I need a restroom (in my country we could not allow the students any time the have get permission first but in US the restroom orlady in class). So, always I am trying to have short break . Also, when I promise my student for some thing I must do it.

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Understanding Education Psychology in Order to Achieve Educational Goals. (2023, Mar 30). Retrieved from https://samploon.com/understanding-education-psychology-in-order-to-achieve-educational-goals/

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